Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!


Hello What, I’m Zorvo.

VOTE: BradLand


VOTE: eevee

i’ve decided i want to kill this instead

i don’t agree with the o.kazo direction but i think may’s thoughts on the game overall align with mine and her recent posts have been villagery

i think eevee made the posts he’s done to sound reasonable/pro-town and get the heat off of him without actually trying to move the game forward. a number of his thoughts don’t add up - he stated the belief that may is not the wolf that would crack the game open if killed, but then tries bringing attention to an irrelevant lowposter as though that would crack the game open. i don’t know whether or not he actually thinks i’m mafia, or is voting me as some form of protest, but his other belief that “the scumteam are disorganized and all pushing different agendas” doesn’t really line up with thinking i’m mafia, either. so in summary i don’t really feel like he’s been playing today in good faith. i also think if eevee were a wolf with may, he would have been treating them differently today rather than just ignoring them - he’s known to buss his partners in weaker positions and try to look as pro-town as possible

@Zorvo i’m undecided on brad but there are other people i would rather kill first today

note: if eevee shoots me while i’m sleeping or something, nuke him after i flip. he prides himself on going several games without having an incorrect read, mostly because he literally doesn’t make reads, rather he tries to push policy executions so he can say “but i didn’t actually think they were mafia lmao” but he’s brought up no issues with my play so far this game and i don’t expect him to misread me

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yeah ive been thinking about that but then you get into timezone shenanigans and its not worth it i think itd get angleshooty
I’m pretty sure I considered it in thread when i was bringing it up to zorvo but i dismissed it
also i know i dont have a very good character analysis but they dont seem like the type to ask that kind of thing unless possible immediately

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sorry but im adding appeal to gayness to my mafia dictionary it may or may not be neccesary later

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1984!!! 1984!!! Moderators!!! This is like in the book 1984 where they added new words to the dictionary and called it News[peak and it was very SCARY and BAD!!!

@ElizaThePsycho get out of May’s account


interesting… may i ask why you brought up the wrencat game btw just curious

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It just finished and was on my mind, and cause my Loop games are very much my strongest experience with how you can very easily murder someone with words just as easily as with bullets. There’s plenty of games over there where I’ve functionally been a dayvig because everyone just listens to what I say. Not as often anymore, but still very much a thing.

@May can you answer this

i stopped listening to onionfriends2004 and now im listening to that jay z song about new york
if i shown my music tastes to me 2 years ago i think shed look at me in horror

yeah but im saying how killing with words is easier than bullets
not the other way around

@Jaiden i would like you to make a vote on a relevant wagon today

im voting when i go to bed. until then im staying off to stop my brain from getting lazy. i am cooking

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jk VOTE: May
may has been replaced with a clone im not seeing it anymore

Looking back through her posts, Rajidae was generally trusted and moving the game forward, and I think she was killed for that - a lot of the play today has been kinda, incohesive, with a lot of people doing their own thing and not really listening to each other, making passive assumptions, not listening to cases… like, how many consecutive people shot me without ever really talking to each other or to me about why? Rajidae was consistently conversing with people, listening to her towncore, questioning people she suspected. It’s the kind of thing I think makes Magnus such a great town player.

I don’t think she was that right, half her bottom tier’s scum and the other two aren’t strong scumreads of mine, I think there’s probably max one wolf in there, but nightkill WIFOM. She also towncored O kazo, which I think he might’ve wanted to cement in, honestly.

Wait were you

i felt like you’ve been tmi’ing them town the entire day and now you’re voting them i am concerned

now arctic, you seem to have forgotten