Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

When did I call him wolfy? I said I would shoot him. Big difference.

Then you can die.

May is more useful as town then you are from what you have been doing compared to them.

Assuming your both town and Brad is Wolf.


Oop, there you go, had to correct yourself before someone caught you, huh?

Also yeah I shot at Aro and fucked off for the rest of the day, I did what I wanted to do, which was just shoot ITAs.

Otherwise I’m brushing by when I feel like it/remember the game exists and yeah.

“not alignment indicative”
he’s saying he’d do that on either team
but self meta is bullshit so he might as well have said nothing LOL

By the way you keep bringing up “Reads from dead townies” then you better be using my reads when I die.

I thought I’d explained what I mean before either an opportunistic wolf calls it out or a misguided town calls it out yeah. It should be obvious what I’m saying but I know people can take things the wrong way.

Again I’m not dumb I know it can be taken a certain way from the way I explained it but my point is simple.
Ignoring alignments who is more useful?
I also believe if Kurk is town so is May as I already said this previously.

You should try to still contribute yeah?
Shooting a suspected wolf ain’t enough, least not to clear yourself if your town.

I’ve also discussed ones that I’ve disagreed with but also agreed with on other parts and explained how sometimes your gonna be wrong on reads, it’s gonna happen. I’ve been wrong on reads, even if I GOAT the rest of this game and your a wolf and I bury you and the rest of your team, I’m still not playing perfectly, neither is @Zenon

Like when it comes to town reads, Zenon has done a better than me as the only dead one they got wrong was Leafia.
But when it comes to Wolf Reads I was the one that called out both Aro and Wazza where I only remember Zenon being sus of Aro not Wazza.

It’s quite simple really.
If you’re a town, I’ll vote out May.
If you also have another suggestion I’m open for that.

As for town reads, I’ll decide that on my own regard because it should become more clear to me by the longer a player is in the game, where they stand and how they act. Even those I strongly town read at one point could go down and those I didn’t as much become my top. It all depends.

Does anyone know if Zorvo powerwolfs?

So when you say Zenon is better than me that’s false no one’s better then another.

But when you say Zenon has had better town reads than Zorvo this game you are absolutely correct.

If you suspect me, what’s your reasoning?

I don’t TR you

And to answer your question,

Yeah I do.

But I’m also less pure as wolf then I am here.

You’ve been pure?
Bro where?
No fr
Like I’ve been gone most of the game

That’s fair.
I don’t TR Zenon and I’m not sold on TRing you like Arctic is or was.

We also haven’t interacted that much either.

I feel like Arctic plus you would be a spicy duo ngl

Pure, Genuine, whatever you wanna call it.

There is a certain vibe I give off and certain way I do stuff as town that differs from my mafia play.

But that’d be too pairing early on
You kept pinging Arctic for everything
So it feels more pockety than anything

Is there someone making a case for why you’re town?
Or are you just calling yourself pure lol

I mean I kinda hope your town in a way.

It’s like eventually in a day or two I might become the best valid kill target depending who else is town and who is mafia.
Yet if you’re suspecting me, wolves might keep me alive in hopes you shoot me or something.

Also there has been varies of reasons why I pinged Arctic, was there any post of mine you found suspicious?