Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Naw it’s just the only one I’ve stated lol

I shot you because you are pushing a solve I think contains townies. And i think you are repeatedly pushing townies. And i think you are gaslighting the thread out of realizing just how many towns your slot has killed on the basis of “town leadership”

You asked about finding a team i said i don’t do that but I’d be willing vote Eevee today than i read up and my read changed

Bruh I’m talking to my girlfriend i don’t really care about this over that i only get to talk to her at specific times when she’s on because she lives in another country




On what
Brad being tonally town?

Cringe thing to say

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I’m there for a moment, break between lectures. Lemme read what’s going on.

Let’s complicate your situation.

I’m in place where I would defend Zorvo from Zenon.

Zorvo is impulsive, chaotic and… very often stuck in own worldview. And bad at argumentation. I’m not convinced theirs bullshit is yet out of theirs townrange.
It bit of seems Zenon’s expectations vs Zorvo’s behavior issue, but Zorvo’s personality is very confident, very stuck to own opinion, unlikely to listen to others… and often starts arguing.

Meanwhile arguing is a bad way to change someone’s opinion, which in end means he is stuck in his worldviews for long.

I’m not 100% sure if it’s the case, but I don’t agree with Zenon’s arguments that much.

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Btw. Just so you are aware, I think Maple is always a hit, just from pure lack of attention this slot is getting, when all other “easy targets” got severely focused.

Still probably not the best lynch/shot for today.

eevee has never talked about me in any capacity

everything you have said here i agree with

Yeah, again, my structure of playing is focusing on player at a time.
And it’s visible by interactions I pick every day.

So for example I never mentioned Jar or O.Kazo either.
It gets a moment to get used to my playstyle.

Anyway, I’m out again.

Understanding what this poster is about is WAY harder than solving this game most likely. Just saying.

yeah but like
players are linked together
talking about one player includes their relations with everyone else

If I take notebook to write down all behaviors, numbers, actions of certain player, jumping between them would be pointless.

You are still thinking your way of analysis, where you’ve read post by post what is in thread.

I don’t do it. In reality I might never fully read what happened d1 or d2. Especially if someone dies before I start reading them.

I know the general situation. That’s enough to proceed for me.

And I am interacting with people in thread, since I know noone else really works on macro scale. Rather what this site encourages - living with cureebt moment (chat like forum structure).

So if I wasn’t in thread and didn’t read someone, I probably don’t know what they wrote.

It’s a synthesis of two chemistric structure.

It wasn’t that hard as solving this game.

Unless you are a bandit, obviously…

(Well, I if haven’t learned chemistry so long ago, drawing those two wouldn’t be too hard.)

I believe this is synthesis of artificial RNA. Aka. about a research how to create artificial… human?

Or anything like this.

Not that it gives precise steps how to create humans. But hey, Im one step closer to replacing all of you with army of obedient clones.

It’s more like artifical life, than artifical humans.