Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

nah i dont mind at all, i make fun of everyone so why would i care lol
i only got annoyed once by 1 random dude at chess who called me borat after i blundered a rook so i checkmsted him 20 moves later

brad seems extremely obvious town to me, i assume he still sucks as mafia but even if he doesnt hes just strong town imo

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Real and based


Particle isn’t new so like

Toxicity should be PLd and not encouraged it has no place in the game

VOTE: Leafia

anyway i should stop posting from mobile and make a catchup post from pc later

@lol sumo in 5-10 minutes

what do you think his wolfbuddies are doing atm if Particle is a wolf?

Based Raji is based and my one true love

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I have no clue what this is about lol

Well Aro is wolf so checks out

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Thief. Your stealing my lines.

You hate what exactly?

That I’m losing my joy for mafia?

That i self vote and don’t care if others do?

Why how is it AI?

Bussing the fuck out of him for cred.


Yay caught up

I left to talk to a girl and came back to 400 posts lolllll


consequences of having a life

zenon is being pretty based rn ngl

I’m sorry i was… being a loser earlier <3

I have been typing a case for the last hour or so before I answered Achro’s question about my thoughts on Lol. Twenty points to the first person who guesses who I cased.