Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

I will keep this in mind for the short time i am alive.

May has recently not been sort by post count just fyi

you’re like the person in every friend group who always disagrees with every idea people give but then never suggests anything themselves


mmaybe not rock hard sbpc but she doesnt want to play the game when she is mafia and her posts give me the impression of someone who doesnt want to play the game

sometimes it feels like youre just here to start shit i swear

particleman passed the torch tom me someone has gotta do the dirty work

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There has been a false positive before. Namely in AI UPick, although then it was about him being awkward and nonsensical more than anything else.

magnus what is your read on may

if you still dont have one yet you are mafia

Relevant posts for what?

i did contribute reads and stuff earlier, i settled where i was comfortable executing
then said i was unwell and was coasting because of that
im literally only here to respond to posts rn

well thats what everyones here for. im here to respond to posts that give me a blue circle on my avatar

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I have already stated my read on May.
Feels town.

ok so we seem to disagree on literally everything why do you think that is

Maybe i am a sucker but they say they felt bad and tomorrow is their birthday. There are 6 wolves to find i can extend a day.


Also i consider zorvo a bit too reasonable this game @Magnus

But again

Feels mean lol

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zorvo has been pondering in his cave as the cave water drips upon his head of course he’ll be more reasonable


May 0-posted in a recent town game until the last couple hours of EOD1, so I don’t think it’s AI.

I don’t think we disagree on literally everything. We disagreed on May’s slot because we’re coming from different perspectives, but we haven’t much swapped views on other players from what I remember.

zorvo is more reasonable than normal yeah but not reasonable enough for him to feel like mafia imo,like he was still trying to call me out for absolute bs but not in a way that actually achieves anything if he’s mafia, to me it looks like he was doing the usual thing he always does of throwing sus on me so he can say post-game “SEE ARCTIC WAS MAFIA I TOLD YOU” because he’s terrified of the idea of letting scum me escape freely and he is allergic to townreading me in any game ever, but he doesnt want to outright tunnel me again because that was what he did in the game before he quit and he was wrong

i can feel the motions


yeah but you think achro is mafia so lol is town
and i think lol is mafia so achro is town
i also read your case on achro separately from all of this and i didn’t find it convincing
mostly because of what achro said in his response to it, specifically with how you were kind of imposing your own metric of reading leafia on how you think achro should be reading leafia