Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

we can bring the dota wagon back right

Oh right shot lists are important.

You should agree to a codified shot list and dont let people shoot outside of it. Have town leaders approve it etc

So if lol flips town i recognize that you guys will want to kill me. I just ask that we shoot aro first in lol town worlds so i have info to give what imo should be the shot list in which world.

If lol is scum i am probably dead since my wim is returning but we will see.

hell yeah we can

However, I’d rather keep the Aro wagon alive tbh.


no worries mate, we can do aro/lol/garf wagons

@min Zenon is such a meanie, they be playing you.

Remember Min.
They chose Eevee.

Eevee is more Townie then you.

Oh speaking of eevee i find their play around my slot to be novel and not really wolfy or towny. Just novel. Testing me by empowering me is an interesting ploy though and i dont hate it. I hear eevee gets very good as town later though so keep that in mind if he asserts thread control poorly in later days

Day 2 ITAs are not for hero shots btw. Hero shots can be done in later phases but day 2 ITAs are extremely important in resolving the game and consensus. Technically if ita 2 goes badly enough it can cripple town so dont try to be the hero before you get more info


where the hell do you think you are
on fol everything is for hero shots



Have fun its just a game lmao

My 18-0 2023 is on the line here tho

once again me and achro are doing pistols at dawn

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Jaiden might be evil after all, then.

You must be wondering who convinced me to return.

Well you see I can hear people’s thoughts and a couple days ago I heard a man in particular.

It was @Arctic and when a replacement was needed I heard his thought of “Oh Fuck what if Zorvo comes back and replaces in”

Well don’t worry Arctic!
I gotcha buddy!
I heard your call!
I can’t let me pal down!


me and magnus are doing pixels at dawn

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VOTE: Achro

Disclaimer: I won’t be partaking in as much FM because I’m trying to focus more on outside of FM but I will still play and co host now and again.

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Honestly my ban was a well needed break for me to evaluate more on other things tbh.

Iaafr Analysis: Scumreading them at the current time, posting indicates comfortability in thread which usually for me indicates someone who is town, but actions when confronted with people directly communicating to them about the game feels more scumfilled, ISO below with my thoughts, the posts that pinged me to either townleaning or scumleaning and the reasoning.

Posts 1->28 are pretty useless, just fluffposting, has a few reads in there but they’re all seemingly jokes, just would like to have it noted that I saw a few players townleaning/reading iaafr from these posts more specifically Leafia which is something that’s interesting to me, doesn’t seem to make much sense?

This is the first post where iaafr provides content and it continues from here on out which is a decent lookout especially considering their high amount of posts, regardless I heavily dislike this post because it shows iaafr’s easy agreement and sheeping at an early stage, it feels like they barely want to try but that’s immediately countered by the second part of the post where they make a read on Zenon, here they clarify their read is to be considered a scumlean.

Bringing in a self-recognised wolfplay (as pointed out by Arctic that iaafr has done this before) is something interesting, I’m trying to figure out what it could mean but it feels like it could be someone trying to diminish any thoughts of their own scumplay regarding other people in the game, although it might just be me reading too deeply into it.
Edit: Further looking into this later on and the surrounding posts indicates I’m wrong on all of this but I’ve elected to keep my thoughts here so you can all see my understanding when I saw the post. Main post that indicates this is this one:

I do find the townread on Arctic for a simple small post to be quite interesting though, especially considering recent posting of iaafr indicates their read on Arctic dropped slightly which comes after Arctic began suspecting their wishy-washy behaviour (mindmeld lmao)

I am going to continue bringing up the former reads of iaafr purely on the consensus that they seem to have shifted without too much thought put into them.

Also going to point out this seemingly joke post purely because it contradicts their previous post (which wasn’t many posts before this one so it’s interesting they’re incredibly focused on their planned ITAs)

I find this read and this post to just be odd, there’s nothing townie about what Eliza posted, it’s just them correcting Iaafr and it belongs as a townie reaction? The weird thing is due to the lack of indication of a read on Eliza later on, this seems to just appear to be why Iaafr is townreading Eliza which is…something?

They also do the same to me which is strange, once again there’s no indication on this read being definite, all I did was point something out to them and immediately it’s just “you’re town” and the read seems to stick, I don’t get why some reads for very minor things seem to be sticking yet when it comes to their other reads where someone they townread gets accused they immediately hop away from it onto someone else? It just feels like either they have no faith in their own reads or are trying to be agreed with by the current people in thread and following the wagon, when you read back on their posts it certainly seems like their posts is just to please the current thread rather than being their own actual thoughts which is something I dislike massively.

Iaafr also comments on me not calling them out on their offender of posts being used badly when they responded with a townread to me in fact doing so.

Keep your eye on this comment, it’ll be important later especially regarding Iaafr’s reads, it feels like it’s the most backwards part of their play.

Small comment here, but I find this post to be interesting especially gathering up with the fact that there’s no expansion upon it really apart from a minor comment on the eevee part (the part I would’ve called out the most if it wasn’t commented upon), of course, Iaafr later drops this Eevee read entirely.

There is still no expansion on the read on me yet I’m towards one of their top few towns later on despite originally being a weaker town and despite originally a few moments ago the Eevee read being called their dumbest/weakest read in a response to Eevee. It’s a little jarring to have multiple people be your lowest town and to have one fall out but the other rise with no indication as to why.

Talking about reaches, this feels like a very…OMGUS’y way to read someone as scum, it feels as if it’s forced to capitalise on both the read on Iaafr and the current threadstate regarding May, feels very mood-based and very against the read against them.

Here comes a long charade so strap yourselves in for the Leafia saga:

Sudden prying into a joke leading Iaafr into becoming suddenly yet strangely tunnelvisioned on Leafia, considering this is day 1 at this point I find it awkward that Iaafr jumps onto a joke from Leafia (something that is quite common for Leafia is to say a joke that doesn’t quite land with some people) but this one was a more obvious one, it had no indication of it “being a joke seeming like Leafia was a neut” (which was what someone pointed out earlier) yet more of a “I’m town but I’m not from Texas” sort of thing which is similar to what everyone was talking about at the time so it’s just extremely weird timing for this post, not to mention it comes right after the whole “I desperately want Particleman dead” thing.

This post shows a clear view on the tunneling that Iaafr suddenly has on Leafia, not to mention the posts in this post are just…not sounding scummy whatsoever? It’s just Leafia talking about their reads there doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong with it.

Not to mention, including one of your sudden scumreads and adding a backwards comment on “maybe they’re right”

Continuing of tunnelling without much information to go based off, it’s a very easy read to disagree with and it seems extremely shaky, not to mention the first post quoted in this clump seems rather hypocritical especially considering the few reads Iaafr has had earlier that gives…poor reads on shaky yet similar reasoning as to Leafia’s posts.

Also the read of Leafia talking about my worry while not being on the same post of mine, is extremely close to the reason Iaafr townread me and (still) seems like the reason they townread me now.

Iaafr starts bargaining with people to continue his push, this would basically put the control of the push into multiple people, but then paired with the next post more feels like Iaafr noticed that threadstate wasn’t much against Leafia at all despite them attempting to convince momentarily, right after this is said:

This is just…weird? Why tunnelvision so hard on someone just to drop it because you actually then started to read their posts? Not to mention the reasons for scumreading Leafia to begin with were absolute nonsensical, I really hate this read far too much that I can’t just forget it no matter how minor it could seem.

Here’s the next saga of Iaafr’s posting, the jumping for absolutely no reason from their own reads that they seemed to believe in (for just a moment):

Iaafr switches from Leafia to May after suddenly being unconvinced by themself on Leafia, they make no indication that May has changed from how scummy they believe they are, they also vote them as a side-wagon despite earlier thinking that no one would vote Particleman with on them (May now has 1 vote at this point, Particleman has 4 so I’m not understanding where this thinking was coming from in the first place when their main scumread is literally the top push).

Suddenly though, Iaafr drops this read on May that they were confident on to vote one of their former townreads, the worst part is this was done a second later after lol votes, there is a little over a minute between lol’s vote and Iaafr’s vote on Arctic which doesn’t give nearly enough time to form a comprehensive drop of a townread because an ISO is “soft and fuzzy in a wolfy way” despite their being no indication of this, the worst part about this as well is that Iaafr suddenly forgets about this shaky, poor read on Arctic later on? This is definitely one of the most worst parts about their ISO.

The worst part about this read is that Aro hadn’t been in the thread for most of the trolling that Particleman was doing so their belief in Particleman’s read could easily be real despite how they were acting, the indication they were trolling didn’t come until much later, it just felt like they were jumping to conclusions quickly at the time and could’ve easily been another player that was playing an act.

I also hate this part, why would someone instantly assume “troll and bullshit” regarding a fellow slot no matter if they’re town or scum, they have absolutely no reason to jump to this conclusion unless it’s blatantly obvious, I’ve seen it throughout your ISO and throughout other posts of the game where people have taken troll and bullshit posts seriously, should we suspect everyone who has done this? There’s such a lack of thought between these jumpy reads from Iaafr that it’s extremely poor.

This is when Iaafr kicks off the aro push, a push I was wondering out for a while and now I know the reasoning behind, the reasoning is shaky and it’s almost the exact same thing Iaafr did regarding Leafia’s slot literally a few posts earlier than this one, Iaafr seems to just be copy and pasting their pushes without commenting on it, without responding to them and instead just start bargaining with people to sheep them with no explanation or true convincing then when it gets to it, Iaafr just…hops away from the read and leaves it to other people to do with it, then if a negative result comes out of the push it’s not gonna fall onto Iaafr but instead to other people.

I hate these posts because now Iaafr doesn’t bring up their top scumread of Particleman WHATSOEVER apart from from the perspective of someone else, it’s as if Iaafr doesn’t want them to be the top wagon despite thinking they’re the 100% slot to be scum as shown in later posts as well, I don’t get where this posting is coming from whatsoever, the worst part is that Iaafr had an entire 10 hours to rethink this yet sticks to this and suddenly thinking lol is scum which leads to the next jumpy vote session. They also now just leave the Aro wagon for Brad and lol to push instead of taking it on themself, the worst part about this is now lol is the top wagon and if Aro is executed and flips town, lol would almost definitely die the next day for being the next best wagon according to the day and for pushing heavily on a town, something all orchestrated by Iaafr, I really hate what they’ve done here and cannot see it coming from town whatsoever, originally I had the perspective of it could be Iaafr’s playstyle, but this is far too manipulative that it feels like they’re trying to control the towns agenda consistently while also doing it from a “Yeah, I’m sheeping you guys” point of view!

None of this has an explanation as to why Aro is town and why lol is suddenly a wolf against all jurisdiction of Iaafr’s previous reads, it’s just “Yeah, I reread and I think this”.

This is the true shift from Iaafr to put the Aro wagon’s fault in the hands of lol, this just feels like bandwagoning someone and then blaming someone else who they attempted to “convince” into thinking Aro was scum, this is just so incredibly atrocious.

WHY does Iaafr protest wagon onto a small wagon away from someone who is suddenly their top scumread? The worst thing is this gets unimaginably more painful in their next post and with no explanation onto their reads they drop this:

(I have highlighted in green the reads I think are heavily against Iaafr’s own words, what they’ve stated and the ones I’m thinking are extremely questionable based on their posting), the Zorvo situation is explained in the section below, the rest are either unexplained that I don’t want to talk about them or just entirely strange.

lol - How can you jump from pushing their counterwagon against your own top-wagon that you caused just to jump away from them moments after and townread them all of a sudden, it’s such a BS read that I need to consistently point it out.

Leafia and Arctic - In your whole suddenly “I’m going to vote everyone” phase that you tried to stir up for absolutely no reason, you suspected both these people, and with no explanation about the residence on Arctic, you suddenly townread him, at least with Leafia you gave something but even townreading them with no explanation as to what gave you those thoughts after what you said is a stretch.

Wazza and Eliza - You gave extremely shaky reasoning to townread me and Eliza both being one post that each of us said that convinced you that we were town, the worst part is that this one post made you admit that it was shaky reasoning on why you thought I was town so I find it extremely unlikely that you suddenly think I’m a higher town over say someone you actually expressed townie vibes towards in Zenon or even recently in your posting in Aro despite how poor that was.

Arogame - You created an entire counterwagon to this person just to move from it to someone you convinced to push the wagon with from you, you gave no explanation other than “I reread” which is hardly convincing to begin with.

May - Your May push has been your top push all day, it’s the one you’ve focused on, not the read you’ve focused on the most in all fairness but the push you have yet I find it ridiculous that “recent posting” convinced you to not only vote them but also start thinking they’re more likely to be town, the worst part is that you have someone you’re much more convinced on being scum you don’t vote
Edit: At the time of this post a vote hadn’t been placed on Zorvo by Iaafr and I saw it extremely unlikely that they would eventually vote them to begin with yet they did so fair enough, regardless the fact it didn’t cross your mind until your very last post and hours after you stated your initial scumread is ridiculous, this is more focused on in the beneath section.

Brad - Your scumread of them is seemingly on the same levels of Mays if this is to be assumed, while this is interesting you’ve stated one thing on them and that is “could be partners of lol”, the worst thing about this is the fact you now have lol in locktown for absolutely no reason specified, I find it so hard to believe your scumread of Brad is founded upon anything other than this so I would like any sort of clarification.


This part I didn’t want to show in the main clump of things, but it’s Iaafr’s read regarding the Particleman/Zorvo slot, it’s something I heavily dislike that was also added to while this was being written (I spent quite some time on this so yippee)

Iaafr’s read on Particleman/Zorvo slot develops throughout the entire day, it’s heavily more fleshed out and focused upon unlike almost all other reads but the focus on it is important because of how strange it feels, especially considering he uses other peoples reads of Particleman as jurisdiction against other people.

The read begins here with a v/v read that doesn’t mean too much, just a small thing to point out.

Iaafr expands on a townread of Particleman by specifying they don’t think they’re mafia although then moments later this occurs:

Fair vote at the time, Particleman was intentionally trolling at this point so no one can deny that although voting a townie because they’re gamethrowing is incredibly different from not voting a mafia read because…???, something that I’ll expand upon later.

Here Iaafr starts to show reasons on how their read on Particleman might be wrong, yet indicates they want to start a push? It…doesn’t add up to me because there was no intent that Particleman is scum.

There is no explanation on this, they just want Particleman dead after townreading them, the worst part is that they don’t act on this until their very last post which is ???, not to mention based on this, Particleman is seemingly their top scumread and is even through all the other pushes Iaafr makes and there’s…no explanation on it here…at all.

Weird posting to make about a slot you scumread but we’ll move on from it.

Saying “I think if” doesn’t seem like Iaafr is convinced on Particleman being scum whatsoever, it just reads as someone giving reasoning on a scenario depending on Particlemans flip, this is further added on by this next post in the opposite scenario:

This is the weirdest part of it all and it’s added onto by Iaafr’s new and now final post which is why it is here, there is no build up towards Zorvo, instead it just is indicated they’re sheeping reads although the thing I find strange about this is that Zorvo was in their scumread list earlier, and the reads they’re following are Magnus and Achro’s, two players who are uhh…

Not nearly anywhere near the top of the list you’d expect them to be, instead of sheeping reads of people they trust in or forming their own, they choose to believe two players they haven’t indicated much heaviness into trusting, if anything seemingly the opposite regarding Magnus’ slot.

In conclusion of these two posts.
VOTE: iaafr