Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Well we already disagreed earlier about rabbit’s aro thoughts you may remember and i think that disagreement is key to where we fall on reading rabbit.

Additoonally him calling out brad when i too think brad has partner equity makes me feel better about rabbit.

Its not impossible but you asked my thoughts so there ya go

Also this gameplay doesn’t make sense from either alignment but I think it’s more likely scum because the progression feels fake and like they don’t have any reads of their own


I will mention i have hard pushed rabbit before when we were both town as well. You guys dont have to listen to me or anything i just think in town lol worlds it doesnt actually make sense for scum rabbit to do what he did but i am not always right and youve got a gun tomorrow so do you

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I did ask for thoughts on the entire thing but you focused on one thing but it’ll do I suppose.

This is where the issue of “I don’t know Rabbit” comes in but like I’ve made clear, I feel the way they’re playing this game comes from a scum attempting to control the narrative without absorbing the blame, they seemed to set themself up perfectly to shift the blame onto someone else following any mis-execution.


Once again, I want to ask, why are you so heavily focused on the lol read of Rabbits? You keep talking about how it doesn’t make sense for scum Rabbit to do what he did but why does it make sense for town Rabbit to do what he did? What sense does it make for him to heavily push lol just to drop it after shifting the blame of the Aro push onto him?

If they wanted to control the narrative, wouldn’t they stick to one person and make them the vote for the day?
And they could still shift the blame if they stole someone else’s read to do it

What the fuck even is this post?

You know what you’re saying right Achro?

The RABBIT first vote was May, then they Pushed Aro and Lol took all the blame for it and now RABBIT is voting me.

Wolves obviously want to push a town and make another look bad.
I’m willing to clear both Lol and Aro if RABBIT flips wolf tbh.


In my ISO I specified this sort of thing, it felt like they created pushes to control the narrative, give options for people because a lot of people in forum mafia like to have a perspective of people to push on and continue those throughout days purely based on day 1 agenda, it’s something that I’ve seen work before, it’s unlikely that someone who was a top push on day 1 survives throughout other days, especially in a game of ITAs, treat it like setting people up to be punching bags to keep eyes of yourself.

Oh he is voting you

When did that happen.

I thought he was on lol still oops

Didn’t someone say Achro had wolf equity with RABBIT

Who said that?

If you create [X] push and stick onto them and they flip town, you get the blame.
If you create multiple pushes on [X], [Y] and [Z] and then rescind from them claiming you “re-read” you’re much less likely to take the blame for it, look at the Aro push, lol took most of the shtick for it despite the fact they were just blindly following what Rabbit said and added onto it.

Not to mention in a game like this where, as I specified, ITAs exist, these players will be ITA fodder because people will decide they need to solve the day 1 wagon slots to see where towns perspective was at. Regardless, our wagons today are going to be dead by day 3 by best unless they ultra-survive expected ITAs.

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I thought you out of everyone pays the most attention to things.

Guess not.

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He’s…been off lol for a long time now.

You stated you read my post yet as I specified you focused on the Brad/lol thing a lot for some reason, something that seems to have been spewed from him might I add by getting lol and Brad to vote the same wagon and then using it against them.

Despite my post count i am mostly chilling today tbh

I guess @Wazza it doesnt occur to me that people like rabbit wouldnt be held responsible for things by general population just because they hopped off. Additionally i do tend to be biased towards people that have similar thoughts to me because i dont often find that scum can share my world view just my brain is so weird and this has often worked well for me.

Now rabbit being on a useless wagon eod feels pretty bad and it feels worse if we find out aro/lol are both town so that i will grant you.

I think we are viewing the same posts and just coming to different conclusions and thats alright


Lol did nothing with his 150 posts but tunnel onto aro and shade his voters lets not act like rabbit did anything there to manipulate that slot.

Brad perhaps.

I am on mobile i dont feel like going back and forth over every point when there are 6 scum, i like my current vote, and everyone has a gun tomorrow tbh

This isnt debate club. Just shoot him lol

Iaafr voted Zorvo at postcap after, in a roundabout way, “getting approval” from Achro and I (#1718).

If we’re going to look through tinted glasses at the “what if Iaafr is scum” world, this sequence makes sense as Iaafr wouldn’t want to die as evil, wouldn’t want their intent to be noticed, and panicked after being called out on it and admitted it instead of denying it like a villager would be expected to. Of course, that’s only if we’re prejudiced.

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Shots i would make day 2 atm:


Hero shot if garfooled is town and lol is wolf: magnus

Towncore that if you kill them and they flip town i am haunting you:

Arctic if lol is wolf


this is the one thing that makes me not want to kill iaafr cuz I feel bad but nobody likes to die early


I welcome the sweet embrace of death

you’re not allowed to die yet

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