Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Man my vote really did stop garfooled from catching up guess i am a villain

Don’t worry about it. Garfooled probably randed Mafia for the first time this game anyway.

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Man you must really think i am bussing hard today huh

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I’m just reading right now, I didn’t abandon yall


Can I have your thoughts on Iaafr? Not really noticed directly too much about them from you nor did I notice any thoughts on my wallpost on them.

You actually raise a good point. By all accounts it doesn’t make sense for you to really be partnered with Garfooled…

Good timing. This has happened six times already.

I am kind of feeling like if lol is scum brad is partnered with him so that wagon attempt made me raise an eyebrow when this was brad’s early read list

And not sure i have ever seen brad abandon a tr in the span of one day before

But that said i will look at your big post now.


What do you mean happened 6 times?

I explained myself already - I want the Gar wagon on the board, because there are still two other votes on them and they’re my strongest wolfread at the moment. If things get closer to EoD my bedtime, which will definitely be before the 4AM EoD, I’ll swap over.


Oh, people showing up right after they’re mentioned.

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Okay so @Wazza the thing is i kind of agree with the rabbit about brad and also i thought particle was 100% trolling myself so i know you hated it but i cant say i dont understand where rabbit is coming from.

I also dont get what scum rabbit gains from switching votes unless bussing lol tbh

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Achro / Garfooled only works out in the event of Lol being town, although that makes Garfooled’s distance vote (#1758) really weird to look at. Furthermore, I think Garfooled would’ve been happy to play more so his inactivity would have to be NAI, and Achro would’ve coached him when he was here.

I didn’t mind the read on Brad being partnered with lol, that is the issue, the backwards part was saying Brad is partnered with lol but then townlocking lol and scumreading Brad with no further elaboration.

They gain credit, but regardless, they aren’t even attempting to bus lol, they switched their vote to him and then changed it out of the blue with no elaboration.

they want to look like they’re solving by creating a fake progression that’s actually just them piggybacking off of everyone else’s reads

Like uh lets profile scum rabbit

Town lol worlds just stick on aro and let everyone else take the fall for lol going down right

Scum lol worlds sure maybe its a bus but then theres no reason to get off of lol then

Rabbit is a smart fellow i dont really see him hopping (heh heh hopping and his nickname is rabbit) onto town lol for no good reason as scum ya know


You’re heavily focused on this lol read from Rabbit as your reason for believing they aren’t scum, why is that when it was a minor part of the whole situation that happened at the time? Their read on lol is now a townlock, nothing close to an “attempted bus”, plus their influence on the lol read was at the bare minimum, they had more of an impact on the Aro read than that one.

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Yeah that doesnt make sense really though as it just draws attention for no reason

It sounds good but in practice scum dont tend to do that. Theh stick to their correct read and punish town tomorrow for being wrong on lol imo in scum rabbit town lol worlds

(Rabbit is Iaafr from what I gathered, correct? I’ve seen a few people mention it but I just want to make sure)

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I didn’t say it was a good idea
If it was a good play I wouldn’t have caught on
It’s just what I think their thought process was :man_shrugging:t2:

(Iaafr stands for “I am a fluffy rabbit” according to their bio, so yeah.)