Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

i know i know most of them are the top lowest posters

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wait what, thats not the answer i expected, what made you come to that conclusion

can people ask me questions i dont know where to enter the game rn

Each player must post 15 times per day, as per forum game rules.


Even if all of thoae are wolves you still got two more names to go. But cool look forward to your analysis.

What do you think of arctic and i vs lol?

its just d1 and most of the top wagons are town, do you have any reads on me?

I’ve just read up on the thread and I gathered a few thoughts, especially disliking iaafr’s slot atm, don’t know what it is about it but they’re just…jumpy? Seemingly too easily swayed, don’t exactly know how they play though so it could just be their playstyle (Kinda like how Leafia is) but personally I’m finding it wolfy how much hopping they’re doing around the place.

Glad Particleman is gone, now I can actually start reading that slot with more than two braincells focusing. Kinda curious why Arogame is top wagon so I am gonna look into that when I got the chance since while skimming I couldn’t really see much on it?

Gonna come back with some more thoughts when I’m back from the shop, just wanted to send what I had in my draft

i think lol is a sillyman who should be left to his own devices until d2 or d3, where his day of reckoning comes
i dont really see what you guys see and i think itll become alot clearer as the days go long. i always say he resolves d2-d3

no one is making reads on me which makes me sad

this “meta” is made up and feels like a powerwolf trying to kill an afk slot, again i don’t know why he is still hung up on aro when there’s a ton of other people who have posted more illuminating content, it doesn’t feel natural, it feels agenda’d.

might take a step back because i feel i’m getting tunneled which is what i’ve been trying to change about my playstyle, but i really do think this is a hit and by extension aro is not

i heard he’s gotten better recently
think he’s fine so far but i wouldn’t clear him

actually i’d say it’s scum AI for him in isolation (i’ve used this tell in turbos a few times) but someone did ask him to do it this game so it probably wasn’t here

That’s mean. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I mean.
Raj is fine for now, probably wouldn’t go there today.

Who’s the next person you’re thinking of voting?

Anyone can be if they try hard enough.
Anyone can even be a scary town. It just takes time.
After your years of experience you have worked and earned to become one.
However, after which, the expectations on reading you should by default raise and be done differently to get a better result on you.

Who’s wolf in your opinion?

Idk man.

Seems like a normal Dota thing to say to a “scary” player like Achro.

okay who do you actually think we should kill then because you seem to be saying this about a lot of people but the person you are voting, eevee, is like the most useless day 1 vote i can think of, so i am going to assume it is not a real vote-to-kill, so who do you actually want to kill

he is a fluffy rabbit, of course he is hopping around the place
but seriously based read, i disagree with the result but its very ballsy

@arctic from what i remember aro does have that meta

@Zorvo i would say that to anyone

VOTE: Zorvo
convince me to vote someone else now if you want

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you havent given a single valid argument why aro is town you said hes null

pls stop making up reads

if ur pfp jellyfish or a human face?

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its a cat

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dam can you explain how

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yeah that vote was a memevote i probably shouldve unvoted earlier
im currently going through people trying to figure that out, its part of the reason why im reading isos
im gonna personally look into arogame next because i know next to nothing about them rn and theyre the top exec