Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Huh reading your vote?
It’s on me ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I dunno what you mean by that but I like mint choc


I will sheep you on this.

VOTE: Arogame123

I mean my vote does not impede your ability to post content to get me to change my mind lol.

Whether or not there are is difficult to judge when not everyone has positioned themselves on either side on the Lol fence, or even necessarily most.

This is what i am meaning thoigh. I feel like something suspicious would rise up to swallow things whole by now and yet a lot of people relatively content to just do their own thing so far.

But perhaps the day is still young. Garfooled counter voting me hmm. Not sure they have done that before

I have 4 votes on me but i also town read 3 of those 4 so lol

Why am I not on the list of posters? (Below the OP)

There’s a limit to how many posters it shows at a time.

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Last time I played, the only person to postcap was a deepwolf, who won the game for us.

sure buddy, was I that obvious?

i wish lol to live until tomorrow



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my twin sister in christ we have 12 hours


i should be awake at 9am Tomorrow i can fix this misdeed if neccesary

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Is it just me, or does Frost feel exactly the same as in Tales of the Abyss?
Slow start, random pop-ins, hasn’t yet gathered his thoughts, jumped on the Lol wagon when it was getting momentum, talking about recent wolf games that he’s proud of randomly (#1251) (I guess this might be a tell)?

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Glancing at tota he comes off more try hard there early

toptown tier: lol (obvtown) dota (obvtown) jaiden (trust tell)
notquitetoptown tier:leafia arctic wazza min eliza
notquitenotquitetoptown tier: zenon guava arogame123
tinfoil but probably town ig tier: magnus achro
idk: eevee jar kork o.kazo maple
kinda wolfy tier: frostwolf103 may(??? recent posts gave me doubt??) garfooled (??? allegedly??) raji brad
wolf tier: zorvo

i can tell my reads suck bc im tring everyone playing somewhat normally but whatever and theres no way i dont have wolves in my town tiers but w/e

ok since writing the above line i moved raji and brad from town to wolfy bc yea whatever sure

idk whats going on carry me i hope lols wolf bc hes still probably going over but idk guys idts

also not gonna case zorvo thoroughly but i still get the sense particleman’s entire approach couldve easily been from wolf and zorvos not exactly towny to me (his linking of w!lol to frost in 1648 feels fake somehow and possibly partnery wth frost)

ok thats my probably questionable but hopefully above rand worldview


Long posts do not a tryhard make. Frost’s initial posts were longer at the start of TOTA than here, sure, but he didn’t add much of his own thoughts so they’re mostly catch up walls.

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This is me every game.

Actually, putting Zorvo at the bottom of your tierlist is interesting, because I had recently reached the conclusion that he was in his previously established wolf meta, although his break might have mellowed his style of play. He’s been taking a major backseat today, which lines up with the pattern of Starcraft Overhaul.


To be specific, Zorvo’s behaviour now matches his behaviour around midgame then, when he felt less awkward in the thread. In both games, he felt passive when he wasn’t directly pushing someone.

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