Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

If lol flips town il be out there shooting

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I have a tinfoil read that I might want to announce closer to EOD. There are disturbing implications.

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you too?

I bet my tinfoil has a higher tensile strength property than your parchment paper.

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I won’t argue with that

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Hm, I suppose Rabbit serves as a better replacement for Aro in the wagonomics world race.

I’ll go ahead and just post cap now as I already left my legacy and made it pretty clear, have fun with late night back and forth folks.

Oh, and I don’t mind dying here as town as that’s kind of funny these days to me, but an additional point of my legacy is if anyone not in my towncore votes me last second to fill them with bullet holes day 2. TY.

So you’re giving me permission to Kill Arctic if Lol is Town?

Nice! I approve! :+1:

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I was thinking the opposite based on something Lol said in regards to Frost.

You do you.
Do you have a read on Iaafr btw?

Eh I mean sure it ain’t impossible but I think it’s unlikely at that point.
I’d say we judge Lol from day 2 onwards if Iaafr flips wolf. Also I’d veto shooting them for Day 2 in that scenario.

Interesting. When I wake up and the day phase is over I’ll take a look what you have to say about Brad.

Well they can’t speak so what else can they do if they want to vote someone? Lol.

Ohhhh rightt

Whats a tinfoil read?

Theory that is crazy but could be true.

So tinfoil read being that it’s based on an idea of something happening.

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Jaiden and Arctic have an intense interaction
Someone calls that interaction a potential wolf theatre.

That would be tinfoiling them as wolves being wolf theatre.

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So if nothing interesting happens in the last few hours, I will just min post.

hi how is it stewpid

Their 150 posts might make them to be easier to be decided if they are wolf or not than my 10…

agree the sole reading why he is top wolf in my list is that he said he will be posting 15 posts every day but he just went straight up to 150 lol

It is really sus.

But did you check on any of his previous games?
He might just be incapable of low-posting, which is common for some FM players.

i didnt but i am happy with my vote on him since its just d1 and there are 25 people alive and i have no specific concrete wolfreads

Achro could have also just changed their mind and they just had time to do more or something.

I don’t think stuff like that is AI but I can see Achro being wolf for other reasons.

What’s your read on Iaafr?