Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!


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No. Not in the slightest.

That’s why you let the bubblegum thaw out a bit first.

Most likely.

One of the dumbest takes I’ve heard in quite a while.

Gut wants to townlean this for some reason.

Thanks for proving you haven’t read Particle’s posts.

Wolves want him alive regardless of his alignment.

I’ll admit that I do it more often as scum as I think this is only the second time doing it as town but wanting me dead only becasusee of one little thing that I’ve done as both alignments and ignoring everything else about me is blatantly antitown.

Slightly scummy post.

Giving Iaafr a scumlean for now unless he can come up with reasoning that actually makes sense.

No way you believe that. I always give townleans as a villager. Look at my last game for instance.

Fake as f. If I wasn’t so sure of lol being a wolf, you’d have my vote right now.

It literally doesn’t and you’re just trying to save lol by lushing on me. You can join Particle in the D2 shotlist.

Even if he’s a villager, keeping him alive is blatently antitown.

It wasn’t a crosspost. Was it? It didn’t look like one. If it was and you didn’t see the first vote, then I take back that read but put it right back for you shading me here and expecting me to know it was a crosspost.

Weird. UNVOTE Arctic Let’s see if this helps.

It literally doesn’t.

You misspelled wolf there. Lol is highly unlikely to be town at this rate.

Couldn’t.disagree more. I love Town of Salem and I’m really excited that Town of Salem 2 is going to be on Early Access on Steam starting tomorrow.

I love them too.

Willing to bet at least 2-3 wolves in this list.

You’re only saying that because he’s scumreading you.

Please get back on lol.

You’re the one that will die lol. Shotlist so far in order I want dead: Lol, Particlle, iaafr.

Thank you.

That will happen the next time I’m a wolf. 100% chance.

I’m looking forward to it too.


Achro literally said that he’d be lowposting before the game even started.

He did this last game as well. With both of us being villagers.

It resembles his townplay too.


As to whether he would or not, I honestly don’t know. I’m currently null on Achro and I’m not going to worry about him until D2 or D3 if he’s still alive. He always dies N1 or N2 at the latest if he’s a villager here.

Everyone on Aro get on Lol. Vastly more likely to be a wolf.

This seems like a villagery post. Maybe I’m wrong about Arctic being a wolf. He can go back to null for now.

ITAs start D2.

0% chance v!lol ever says this.

Doubt it.

We’re here to do both actually.

Okay. You can be scum. j/k

Agreed. Wagonomics will be good from this I think.


And hello Leafia.

Hi Frost.

i personally never cared about game theory nor how i appear
im a guy who voted myself at eod as scum to tie the wagons with a townie, and that townie was begging me to vote him instead of myself but i refused because im not a pussy

funnily enough every time me and lol have randed mafia together its been an absolute disaster for some reason
it doesnt work out that well
respectablr opinion though, you are free to continue being paranoid

@Leafia you need to revote lol btw, but that did successfully get you off of arctic

Anyway I have a little more time to let’s review Aro’s scum post counts

third highest totals in the game

4th highest post in the game

As town he is highly active as well, so to reiterate Aro having a low post count atm likely has nothing to do with his alignment.

Pretty metal ngl


VOTE: lol

Much better.

i think so ngl i figured i worded something wrong but sent the post anyway bc i can’t be assed

leafia town? i disagree with some of what she’s saying but i can actually follow some of her logic so

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i see UNVOTE

UNVOTE Arogame123 voting voting idk

hi min im going to iso you

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im not interested, you are tunneling and only pretending to ask me questions

Going to head out for now too. :sleepingleafeon:

Okay, so just to be clear I ask you questions and your response is ‘you are only pretending to ask me questions’ when even if this is true by answering the question in good faith if I return this with bad faith 23 other people besides us can observe this interaction and comment on it.

Just last game I flipped my reads entirely 24 hours in from completely wrong to almost entirely correct, and you’ve seen me do this as town yourself in previous games where I will re-analyze situations.

It’s pretty hard for questions to be pretend though when I’ve already asked them.

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but yeah if you want to kill me thats fine, kill arogame after, i dont like arctic either, eevee and garfooled low hanging wolf slots (blind guess), last 2 are up for debate

achro is agressively wrong but idk if he has the balls to spearhead a town wagon D1 in an ITA game… shoot him anyway if his entire worldview is centered around me can’t risk having him alive from what i can tell thats closer to his wolf mentality

dota is locktown, if anyone shoots him consider them outed, either made by braindead town or a wolf. no loss made by killing dota’s shooter and i know he will be shot by someone during this game

brad pretty much locktown, eliza super towny, min towny, magnus towny but he will die via tinfoil, iaafr towny, zorvo towny, jaiden towny, guava towny

a lot of the lowposter hopefully will self resolve via ITAs but maybe i am overestimating the effectiveness. build a towncore and go from there, be smart

listen to iaafr and magnus let them townlead until they mess up

yes because i stated my reads already. stop wasting your time on me and keep making reads on other people. do the good work

the bet is still on you have a large poe to chop through still