Word Match 4: Thesaurus Sadism Edition - "All According to Keikaku" Wins

Keldi implied their team did better. Eliminate every team except the two best ones

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Take the best player from each of the best two teams, then give them Final Fantasy swords and have them duel to the death.

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I was going to say “popularity contest? Sign me up” but 1. I missed the first round match so I’d probably be DQed 2. Magnus and Hazzy would give me a run for my money unfortunately


That’s not a bad idea…

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At 1 am people are usually sleeping.

right but at 3 am people are up and at em

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Exhibit A: Me, at the current moment.
I’m so close to finishing my first essay.

ash we are about to speedrun

I got beancat on the line

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Oh boy.
Here we go.

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I need to find squirrel but

Do you see why I just DNFed people

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Yeah I wake up between 3am/4am so it’s true.

Boring! This is why we are the superior hosts! We hunt people down and tie them down so they have to finish!

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I hunted people down too! Within the 24 hour time frame! And then I get tired of tying them down!

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I never get tired of tying people down


Oooh look at tireless Litten over here



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I prefer to make htem suffer by disqualifying them