Word Match 4: Thesaurus Sadism Edition - "All According to Keikaku" Wins

Have you ever seen me I never lose energy until I do

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It’s very obvious when I have lost all my energy but it’s hard for me to reach that point

They gave me new medication to make me stop losing energy so maybe I will

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I don’t see how your meds are affecting me

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Not you. Me


Can we disqualify one host per day?

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If you’re feeling mean, you can’t disqualify Litten. You have to disqualify everybody but Litten so that he’s got to do all the work.


You could disqualify everyone so Litten feels obligated to break his exile like Napoleon did and return!

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I’m here now

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The one hour I dont check smh

I’m gonna go sleep now; it’s past 4 in the morning for me.
I’m free pretty much all of tomorrow past noon GMT, so please let Squirrel and Beancat know that if possible




I pinged ash

get trolled

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Didn’t know I said these things (lying through my fingers).


this is what ash is saying, right?


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dqed. dqed. dqed. NONE of you are free from sin


Ash told me to tell them but I was too lazy

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you did technically tell us

just not privately

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