Guys, I need ya’ll to, like, not take a day for each guess.
ok I will take 2 days instead
I will nuke you from orbit.
so next round’s being capped at one guess per week, right?
If it goes into November, I will start revealing IP addresses until players match.
This game is outlasting 30.
Why is this game outlasting 30?
who could’ve guessed 4 player word match would be hard?
It’s not even that it’s hard; it’s just that someone continually forgets and takes a day to submit, so it just takes forever.
I think the best strategy is just to allow teams to coordinate a time when they all can churn out guesses?
There’s naturally the potential problem of accidentally leaking words, but this feels like the least exhausting route.
> it’s not even that hard
> we have [REDACTED] guesses already
if it’s not at least in the 60s you’re not a real word match team
Consider: it has been 17 days.
but we have [REDACTED] guesses without matching nya nya nya
I would love it if a team got to sixty guesses.
Unfortunately, none of them are guessing fast enough to be as bad as your team was.
this is probably a good idea that probably needs host handholding to do
At a certain point it becomes impossible to match because you cannot reuse other words and you must relate to the words at hand
That is a lot farther away than any team is.
switch to french