The problem is that I have to go in at some point and make it accept stuff like “CHLOE” and “ORANGEANDBLACK5” and “THAT DUMB MOD KATZE”.
Add every FoL account’s name to the thing
Zero ways that can be exploited.
The hard part isn’t adding stuff in.
It’s adding the connections, the part where I tell Word2Vec that CHLOE relates to PIPER and GAY and FOL and SOMMELIER and BUTCH and all that.
my 5 personality traits
You know when we were doing arithmetic with FoLers? This is a perfect Chloe recipe
We shoulda got into subtraction tbh
May - Magnus = Marissa?
This means that Marissa + Magnus = May.
What is magnus subtracting here
what’s marissa adding here
Ask May.
These things are complicated.
i got elimmed a month ago and this is still going XD
Ash, good thing I didn’t go this far, you didn’t warn us about the time commitment…
I wasn’t warned about the time commitment.
(this was a joke )
It feels like this started yesterday
Well, I can’t confirm that.