I’m getting zero blame for this
NYAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok to be fair if you were having TOWNY THOUGHTS about ROBOTS then we’d have matched by now
I’m a villager. I’m the number one villager. I’m the villager of all time, I love villaging and having a villagery mindset. They’ve scanned my brain and uploaded it and made it the international standard villager
god forgive me
You guys are playing???
Litten is the hypothetical perfect word match teammate
Pretty sure if we matched on nya ash would murder me and my family
They would be eliminated in round two, because of the violation on the no meta-gaming rule.
hello people
good luck!!
unless you’re not carrotyreaper
ash sabotaged us btw
He was just afraid it would go into NSFW category.
For everyone other than ash, marluna, and pandora, foreshadowing is a narative device in whi