World's Finest - GAME OVER ASH WINS

I have not

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i swear I’ve played it with you

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can’t wait to be the bain rip off and say


the drill

go get it


No? I don’t have it installed or played anywhere to be sure

well thats a trick of the mind
its the one with the guy who screams “i need a medic bag” if that rings anything, which it has a 30% chance to



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I remember vague clips of streams with it

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That’s it

its a heisting game
i imagine its close-ish to deceive inc or intruder just with way more stalling and pve

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Mechanically there would be a large map with many ways to get places and other map shenanigans
In the heart of it there would be a vault (with an area around it that makes it hard to camp)
The thieves are on teams of 2-3 and need to get to the vault. Once they leave the general vault area the alarm triggers and they need to get to an escape ASAP. If they do they win. Also other thieves need to stop them too and can steal the “briefcase” in various ways

Guards win once a certain number of rounds have passed or if it’s impossible for any thieves to escape
Thieves win if their team escapes with the briefcase.

Definitely needs more fleshing out but this is the concept

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Decieve Inc is in practice a shitty shooter with slight stealth element
In concept it’s way cooler

The board game would probably use invisibility rather than disguises because lmao but

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i think you should use more pink in text itsa good color


I would have if I wasn’t trying to kill daeron instead :man_shrugging:

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Bidding wise I like daeron’s idea of bidding for picking order

Teams are cool but they should be small

Part of the charm for me is feeling unique power-wise and having a team that’s too big would take that away imo

Plus optimal play for a team would be to focus fire at one player at a time, which feels really bad for the one player


The bidding up to 8/10 power made me hesitate the most to join this game.

This could be limited to 2/3 per bidding phase, and limit the players to 2/3 powers. And give the powers to the highest bidder in the round they bid on the power or if it goes above their hard limit, it goes back to the power poll.
Repeat the bidding process until everyone has their 2/3 powers. (Of course people with maximum power don’t bid anymore.)

The negative of this method:
-There might be multiple bidding rounds at the start of the game. (A slow start.)
-Bidding starts highly competitive and ends less competitive in later bidding rounds.
-People can’t have more powers than their hard limit, so succesfull bidders have to wait for the rest of the bidding without doing anything.

  • if you were outbid, but the power was put back into the power poll people will know which power you try to get, and could inflate the price.

The pros of this method:
-Everyone will have about the same number of powers. They won’t be players, who couldn’t get any powers.
-Highly sought powers will have higher prices even without counter-bidding in fear it will be overbid. (And less appealing powers will have lower prices in later bidding rounds.)
-if you were outbid and the power is taken, people won’t know which other power you will try to get, so it is possible you will get your net desired power cheap.


i might just literally make a public thread for designing it LMAO


Genius. public thread incoming