World's Finest - GAME OVER ASH WINS

what deal do you desire to strike with this lowly sinner

lemme dm you

/give myself Moment of Comprehension
/give Marissa Perisistent Spectre

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ishmael do you want a full non aggression deal with me until f2 (no attacks, unconsented power use)

under punishment of instadeath for me (without transfer of parasite) and -42 health for you?


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time to let it kill me so daeron gets parasite

Parasite would just cease to exist
It’s your own power that would kill you

it was your power that caused it

I’ve just given you more nasty attack power and a transferable DoT to go with it
I would appreciate if you didn’t sudoku to give me a parasite and fuck me over as a result

its “whoever killed you” not “whoever’s power did the damage”. It’d clearly go to you

i didnt want it

my power did 0 damage

it’s “whoever killed you”. If I died because of it, when I wouldnt have otherwise, its you who killed me


marshal and daeron are fighting again



im the pharmaceutical company
you’re the wife that’s come home to her partner pouring arsenic, which I may have manufactured, in your coffee
I didn’t kill you

for the record, I’m not gonna kill myself on it anyways. But this isnt a good thing for me by any concept

Daeron does this!!

Are you activating or holstering Cursed Soul?

id be fine, happy even, however, if you cursed souled me

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