World's Finest - GAME OVER ASH WINS

Again, not a player-side issue, Ash didn’t rules-lawyer it, that’s just how the hosts decided to interpret the ability


If i had spent more time clearing things up when i took over it would have produced a smoother / more clear game but also we wouldnt be having this conversation because the game would have been scrapped due to loss of player interest like 2 rooms 1 boom 2, imo. U cant rly sit there for a week doing nothing and retain player attention, i dont think, ppl get bored and dip. Fmpov it was either start the game asap or scrap it

Even when i took over i could feel the players like 30% on their way of losing interest in it, and every deadline at least one person forgot to submit their actions and i had to remind them

I dont know whether Ash intended call option to heal over 100 or not, i am leaning towards thinking that he intened it to heal over 100 as he was honest about other stuff giving him unintentional advantage, but he didnt know about cursed soul’s existence when he submitted it. Cursed soul was the ability that broke ash’s ability, because it has a variable energy cost (so counts as 0 for him) (good for him) while also expending a ton of energy (also good for him). Without cursed soul his ability is bad, i think. And he had no control over cursed soul. And its tricky to spot the combination (even now the convo is focused on his ability and not the fact the cursed soul broke his ability, not his own ability)

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He balanced call option to work balancedly with different energy levels regardless of that people submitted, he just expected people to make “spend X to do Y” abilities where X was a constant, when nobody else did that but him


  • ash didnt think “i am going to deceive others” when he submitted his ability
  • ash didnt think “i am going to make a broken ability” when he submitted his ability
  • he intended it to heal over 100

(these arent mech confirmed cop peeks, these somewhat rely on my social mafia reads being accurate, but i respectfully trust my social mafia reads more than i trust all of yours :3) (although ive been getting snowed recently so maybe i shouldnt?) (but like when im serious i can have good reads >w<)

That wasn’t my point. You said “people just decided to ignore something that confused them because they assumed it’d be fine, that was their problem” >>> people did not just decide to ignore something that confused them because they assumed it’d be fine

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I checked forum rules
There’s nothing against actively deceiving the hosts
This is incredibly iconic


i know what i’m doing the next time someone rules botf madness requires people to believe them!


What would an example be of a player deceiving a host without breaking the “dont weaponize hosts” rule?

weaponizing the hosts rule refers to pressuring the host to modkill a player


i firmly believing lying cheating and stealing your way to a win in a misc is acceptable

even if its to the host


Doesnt it encompass pressuring the host to do anything? The example cites modkilling but i think the rule was more broad unless im misremembering

obviously lying/cheating/stealing your way in regards to players is fine

but hosts? that does not seem right


It does say “specific moderation decision in order to influence the game”. So not every host action looks like

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they write down the winner in the thread title not how they won catch me in that thread title bro



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Ishmael after trying to convince me that her devils bargain should allow her to make a deal with ash that they can win together


22 on his way to ruin my dreams