Worst Role Tournament (FINALS)

/nominate Marauder
Feature in: SFoL: 63 - Last Stand of the Virtuous.

I don’t recall the exact details but PGO that only kills attackers + it has an ability to redirect someone into it each night and can bleed if I recall whilst being a non-unique town killing class


To add onto this:

This role should apply only to MS cult, not to any other cult (such as FoL cult)

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/nominate Revenant
Feature in: Many classic FoL Games, Last featured in SFoL 22.5: Siege of Xed

for those of you who know what this role is, this is one of the worst roles ive ever seen, and has caused mass panic and chaos

for those of you who dont, well, i hope you find out


semi serious take, roles that ruin/brick the game are less worse than roles that make the game un fun


Possessor hunting is always fun tbh

i have no idea what your talking about also im not done btw

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I’m pretty sure all my Pro Mafia roles are balanced are aren’t bad but what’s your guys opinion on Crucifer role again?

/Nominate The Templar
From SFoL 53: Looming Threat

/nominate The Confessor
From SFoL 53: Looming Threat

/nominate The Harbinger
From SFoL 53: Looming Threat

:wowee: :wowee: :wowee:

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So yeah

Templar go Brr, brings some of his buddies along with it


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i know bad roles when i see one

i gave you 4

have fun geyde

/Nominate The Android

Gotta love a town role which has to immediately soulbound itself and then becomes OP af too, getting to become any town role each night.

Credit to @Isolde for their Pro Mafia Rolecards… not being balanced



/Nominate The Curser once again with credit fully to Isolde

Gotta love an evil role which can force… literally every killing role to attack 1 person.
Meaning they have absolute control and also… roles like vigi, which have guilt? Bye


Android was a testing role in my defence.

I mean maybe I should add something else to Curser to balance it’ll be balanced afterwards

Excuse me

Yeah add some kind of negative

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Looking at my Sailor role it might be better to lower the maximum capacity from 5 to like 3.

Revenant is a good role.

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Sorry for Dunk #3 Seth, but here we go.
/Nominate Scar

Aliens are a faction who are all unaware of each other, but like mafia, need to achieve parity.
And as an action… Scar can make it so if someone talks they just die.

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