other than that there is a :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: but IDK if I should say more about it thbthtbhtbthbthbt

i see you liking my posts and yet you do not say a single word to me as i lie on my deathbed


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I was off apparently.
I thought you were watcher/tracker…
That would have been more useful info.

also, it is possible that the roleblock is just simply non-concecutive.

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nyaaaaaaa I’m writing thtbthbthbthtbhtb

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ok this post is getting too long and unwieldy to continue putting quotes into so I’ll just put the first part here

(I realize you’re probably a wolf and this is annoying if so, but I figure I might as well respond)

I don’t see how suspecting you would get you to townread them? And their vote on Ash was a response to Kyubey’s vote on Ash, plus Ash was a wolf, so that feels more like a “well I have to be open to any self-pres” rather than a planned “I will suspect Spooky to make them townread me, then move to someone else”

I don’t think the points about steering soweli through the redcheck ever mattered meaningfully in the first place
because in like 90% of scenarios there’s no getting out of a redcheck

and I don’t think the “stay UTR” strategy is at all good or a goal that could win the game for you, considering the gamestate D2

I can’t speak for others, but I felt you were towny because of this

and because your reads/thoughts D1 were sufficient at the time. You didn’t end up making a worldview though (until today somewhat), which is way less than in Combinatorics, which is part of the reason I wolfread you now:

specifically for the thing about not making a worldview / developing reads, there’s a relevant Maypost thbthtbhtbthb

it’s also significantly POE and I’ll put that in a separate post

well, you’re in for a cold shower sir

Refuge in audacity. Why would a wolf in that situation want to vote a villager who is trying to cooperate with them? it makes more sense from a villager who is just genuinely suspecting you and doesn’t really care about getting limmed, so a wolf would emulate that and try to get me to follow that.

It’s ~similar-ish to what I did in KRC, where I pushed you following claiming a fake red on mining peep. why would a wolf push into towncore? partially because I thought it might actually work, and partially because lol, it gets townread


I also wouldn’t argue the amount of distancing they did with me would be enough for w!me to win the game either. The simple answer for this is because I’m not a wolf. Though I don’t think I’ll be convincing anyone of that (I thought you were more on the fence until I saw this post, honestly)

i dont really have anything to say about that^ post

its just true that I didn’t have much of a foundation, I’d argue it’s not wolfy for that to happen and NAI but either this game or combinatorics (or both) is an outlier

just… well, don’t be disappointed at EoD, I suppose

not me refreshing the page and now my posts are in sequence so me going ^ doesn’t make sense anymore


zug please humor me
say im a villager
what happens next?

what’s the thing you weren’t sure you wanted to mention earlier? if you really think the game is about to end does it matter to withold it?

and if y’all wanted to hammer me (im not going to self hammer) the window for a non-extended night is the next singular minute

nyaaaaaaaaa I’m typing out poe/legacy rn

Zug literally redchecked Soweli.
and after his roleclaim his interaction with soweli at D2 makes more sense now.
I don’t think it’s a wolf theatre. Zug is obv town here.

Neither Ash nor Soweli had any stance on the Creature vs Leafia hotheaded argument at D1.
I think if the argument was TvS, the other wolfs would have made more effort to defend their teammates. (practically both Leafia and Creature was in danger of yeeted off, cuz of their D1.)

Ash tried to push Chomps D3 very hard, and he had a chance until Zug haven’t voted for Ash.
Would they do that as scumbuddies? I think not. (although it is my weakest read)

Obviously I won’t suspect myself.

So I left with spooky/Derp in my poe.

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Depends on if someone caims the rb on Derps or not I’d say.

Marlina summed upmy thoughts nicely I think. About Zug at least.

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Chomps too.

Damn man I forgot about the 24 hourmark.

Guess we now just play all the way to EOD.

I guess I am back at townreading Zugz.

If we could agree on a Chomps, Derps, Zugz, me towncore maybe we should have a clear path to winning.

tutuu at least seemed to agree on Derps, Zugz and me being town.

Chomps was a headscratcher from them though. Hmm did anyone say Chomps was hard out of wolf meta?

let’s see

zug claimed so ill claim