Love this little comic. Laughs
It just felt like you swere trying to hide behind a jester claim to avoid getting exed. Absolutely unnecessary at the time which made it feel a bit on the wolfy side to me.
You know a Leafia that isn’t lazy? Hoe about introducing her to me sometime?
This has a villagery feel to it. Townlean.
Zugzwang feels like he’s just trying to coast along at the moment. Slight scumlean.
Sure. Chases May around in circles with a knife
May can have a sliom townread for being so amusing for now.
Everyone. Snapvote May in 12 hours ynless she does some work. What kind of work you ask? Oh, I don’t know. Let’s say buuilding a new slyscraper. That souns reasonable.
This feels extremely wolfy. Especially because I never even considered voting Creatife until now.
VOTE: Creature
Creature, before making a howler like that, make sure the person actually voted fot you next time.
You literally voted right after Derps did with no explaination.
All I did was say that it seemed wolfy to me. I never even mentioned it any more past that. If I was being opportunistic, I would’ve voted for you alongside that and talked more about how I found that vote of yours wolfy.