…you feel your role is useless? even though it can confirm up to two people town, just by them claiming jester?

there are some nuances. I don’t recieve my result instantly after my check.

and it just turned out that we had the least amount of jesters in game possible suggested via my role.

and I said earlier I thought Creature wouldn’t be a jester, so I haven’t visited him beforehand.

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now I’m paranoid

because I don’t think your play makes sense with the knowledge that all jesters are town, the unspecified unclaimable mechanics are ?? and feel like room for error, and the idea of your role being useless still doesn’t really make sense either (but I do see that attitude making sense from a w!Marluna POV, where clearing Creature is fine because he was already going to be roleblocked and cleared that way, so the role hasn’t done anything)

on D2 onwards, did you consider saying something like “I know there’s another Jester in play; they should claim now” to try to figure out who you should check

I see a way you believing your role is useless sorta works for T!you actually
though it’s not obvious so I want to see what you say

no, not really.

fine, I’m not really investigative…

I can turn any jester I am targetting into vanilla. (but if they have no other abilities, this literally does literally nothing, and looks exactly the same as anti-claim.)
And I learn after I turned two jesters into villas…

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I’m a Psychiatrist
(The original version turn cultists back/into town villla.)

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Vanilla town, especially.
And since:

If I understand this correctly, any jester should be town.

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I see what you mean by your role being useless now (also this is not what I was thinking at all)

This is dangerous and Derps is mechanically proven town unless strongman exists. Although if it isn’t Creature, it has to be Spooky.

Plase be serious here. It’s literally my ability or I wouldn’t claim it.

I literally have two pelts and I hammered Ash.

Putting Ma egg luna squarely in the PoE for this BS. We have a rocksolid PoE and are on the verge of winning and Marluna spouts this bs? I’m very disa pl pointed at you if you’re a villager Marluna.

D1 is not D2 Creature and it litera L ly says in the op that Neuts aren’t in the game and jesters are usually neuts.

This is the first time I’ve had a game where they weren’t.

What makes you so sure Spooky is town now? Spooky seemed wolfier to me and I had a reason to think Ash could be town. Myrole name is alignment cop after all, so I was wondering until Ash’s flip whether the aliens were the wolves or not. Also, my guess is that Soweli was likely an alien by the fact that his rolename was hidden. Or that the last wolf is one. One of the two.

Villagers don’t know who the wolves are and Ifound Ishmael’s jester claim really wolfy. You’re acting like I should’ve known Soweli was a wolf from the very beginning.

Turning something into a vanilla role doesn’t change their alignment. Even if it’s a wolf.

Which means you misunderstood that. You could turn a wolf with an ability into a vanila wolf after all. They can exist too you know.

Of course villas can be wrong, but which wolf behavior do you think is more likely:

  1. push wolf partner to be lynched D1
  2. push the town counterwagon to wolf partner to be lynched D1

It seems pretty simple: if spooky flips wolf, the game ends; if spooky flips town, then you probably look bad for pushing spooky (town) over Ash (wolf).

I only remember tutuu, May and me pushing soweli over Ishmael D1. By D2 everyone was fairly set on soweli being a wolf, so pushing them doesn’t mean shit.

this is the third time you literally miss the mech part from my mech posts…

I doubt you are this ignorant…

Unless mafia jester become town villa (which my ability mentions like i said in the post you were literally quoting from) without their alligment changing your argument against town jesters are void.

I kinda assumed town jester becomes town vanilla and mafia jester becomes mafia vanilla. Or does your ability explicitly say it is town vanilla?


Depends on the person. For me personally, 1 is far more likely as I’m a hard busser.

Also, what’s more likely here:

A villager pushing someone that basically claimed neut in their eyes that also looked wolfy to them instead of a wolf they didn’t even have a read on at the time.


A fellow wolf who first pushed someone else then decided to get both their teammates executed in the next two days which would likely cost them the game?

Also, I’m starting to think you or Marluna is the last wolf possibly. Marluna’s play through the game makes little sense if he’s a villager although if he is one, then it makes little sense for both jesters to be town and there’s 0 chance he believed both were town or he woyldn’t have csred about anticlaim because his ability would’ve been worse than useless in that case.