act fast tutuu
I’m remembering people protesting about me putting importance on sheeping the N1 kill’s reads from past games. A lot of what I do gets protests. It is what it is. I believe it is correct to greatly consider sheeping the N1 kill. There are far more games lost where the person with the best solve dies and nobody listens to them, than there are games where town lose because they sheeped. (Has been my experience)
I’m not. Who do you think is mafia? You are acting similar like your last game. What’s your strategy to winning games when you’re town?
i think it was me saying it as mafia last game but good advice honestly
wow look at tutuu climbing up from the bottom
I never asked May to be shot, never even had her in my wolfreads.
i watch the smart people do it
yeah misremembered
Do you think that’s the best you could bring to the table?
there’s a reason i rarely die at night at mafia games lol
Would you like to try to be one of the smart people?
i can’t do it for the life of me
You literally kept a meme vote on me all day and risked mislynching me with it.
It’s gonna be quite difficult to not wolfread you for this.
even pretending to be smart on that unouted combinatronics game i ended up making 3 reads on a big wall, all 3 were incorrect
Damn lol I am feeling a bit tired for this day. I want to finish reading a book.
I think that by trying and telling us your thoughts, it would be more helpful than not doing it at all. I don’t think that being inaccurate necessarily hurts your team. If you are afraid of inaccuracy you can advise people to not sheep you. But by sharing your thoughts you make it easier for your teammates to find you as town. Not sharing them makes it more difficult and you might die and that’s bad for your teammates.