Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

its iv2 in op


Do you think 7v3 is a good setup

(Yeah, no. I ain’t approving this shit.)
[Change of authorization approved.]

(What the– Hey! Bring me back! I’ll prove that sobbing meanie he’s wrong!)
Yeah, I don’t think so. We are goin’ [REDACTED] and you ain’t stoppin’ me. :billed_cap:

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Hell naw. OG 12’er was obvs 9v3, which got cut down to 8v2 since 7v3 is scumsided while 9v1 is townsided.




ok so they cant just open evil ok

this does mean their abilities are prob op tho cuz idk how mafia ever win with the emergency voting being a thing

ok that helps if you’re town at least you didn’t fully play unnoptimally by letting me near you when you die to get your stuff

(Oi Zone! See this!? Bionic’s gonna kill us! He’s evil!)
Huh… Curious. It says “executes”, but not “kill”. What happens if we are killed?
(Let me out! I will kill that guy myself!)
*smacks Zone’s head*
You don’t even know how to fight…

nevermind you are gonna do it

in op it says whoever reaches the tile first

What the– Which moderator approved this emoji?

So whoever kills me also gets to inherit my ability? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I hope CoD WaW goes on sale for the last Xbox 360 sale on July 16th

zone has gone full edgy roleplay we can’t save them now :pensive:

two uses ja

(Since when were we sane? We have always been this way since Monster Mistery! Hah hah hah!)

…yeah, I don’t have any defense to that statement. This isn’t a FM anyways, so I don’t exactly have to care about playing optimal and “towny” in the first place.

(It’s a free real estate baby! WOO! \o/)

Does anyone think i am not lock town

i think you are lock null

Did i ask?