Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

you can’t make this up lmao

Ofc not. But at least I am open about it.

besides I’m reading you mafia for breaking off the plan, but i need to break off the plan to kill you

I feel like you’re acting like Zone is unaware of his hypocrisy when it’s very clear he is, given this was the next sentence of his post. C’mon.

and it worked beacuse you’re now trying to follow with the plan

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Im going there

i didn’t read past the part i mentioned :skull:

Wise to read

I can handle combat fairly well so it should be fine if somebody tries to jump me and brak

Is there a picture of the paths everyone’s gonna go?
Might be useful for planning my own path.

Yeah, sure, here’s a map of exactly where everybody will be so you can stab them.


Start with 5 Stamina.
Supposedly spend 1 Stamina to reach Group 1 - N1.
EON1 is left with 4 Stamina.
Regen 5 Stamina, Max Stamina is 8 for Town.
If you’re legit, then why are Brak and I not going straight to (-2)?

Excited to listen to you ramble about setups

i think i am taking the wind tunnel to follow zone then shooting from the slot behind the n1 blue dot

What do you mean? You’re heading to the tile next to -2 on N1, and then going straight to -2 on N2. It costs1 stamina to get to the 3-elevation tile, and then 5 stamina to get to -2 even with my wind tunnel, which is why you’ll need 2 days to get there.

You are not allowed to shoot Zone if he’s following the plan.

Your excuse was “he’s not ofllowing the plan”. If you shoot him anyway, you’ve got nothing

i guess he is following the plan he is just thinking im scum now

You are not allowed to kill people who think you are scum with impunity.