Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

Kiiruma seemed more genuine with her reasoning to go alone

I read Zone as more genuine than Kiiruma tbh

|3 - (-2)| + 1… right. Not enough Stamina.
Okay, I see your point now, but basically you’re saying that Brak and I will be at full Stamina at SON2, right? (1 Stamina Regen wasted…)

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Oh, no. I don’t care what alignment you are.

My suggestion was for you to use that stamina on unique actions

@Atlas, I’ve confirmed that the host said we can stalk other players. (This mech is bit.)

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But it’s past the deadline to suggest them unfortunately

Yeah, uh. I can’t do those.

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Someone has also said they’re going to -2 which is awkward

ash told me no again
can you give me exactly what you asked?

(So basically he’s stalking us one way or another.)
(Does this mean nobody is with Luna? Is she in Group 2 as solo, or is she a Rogue just like Kii?)
(Probs latter. Latecom, miscom; it’s all the same result: Rogue. At least Kii’s was announced.)
(Oh, but only I am the one who Bionic looks at!?)
(He’s a piece of bit. Ignore it.)
(Never! I’m gonna rally other mes until we can rebel against this permission system! :fire: :man_farmer: :fire:)

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Can I stalk / follow other players.

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i asked “cost for an ability that let’s you follow people without them directly saying where they are?”


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…he has now just informed me the answer is now yes.

That’s basically stalking as a ninja.
Ever experienced the uneasiness of a RL stalker? You see them approach you, but you can’t do jack about 'em? Yeah, that’s what Someone and Bionic wanted to do on me.

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oops the pfp confused me


Why the heck did I sign up for this bit man…

meant to reply to this

soemone probably get your abilities hmm