Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

Me thinking about dying in a horror movie!!!

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wait why is tutuu staying with you then

didnt tutuu take my spot because his ability is tower related

No, Temple of Time related.

wait that is wack

why is it so specific?

So tutuu needs to go specifically to climb the temple. And I also need to climb the temple, because my wind ability helps us get down

My guess would be flavour reasons. IDK how much flavour spec is allowed. I know this was run Quizbowlcord which IME does a lot of flavour spec

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A Hero of Time might need to go to the Temple of Time to unlock adult abilities

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I have a reason to suspect tutuu is lying if that is the case but i wont say more

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If I wind up dead you know what to do ^_^

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we might need to change plans then lol

I don’t have plans for you and Bionic after you two have tower-tested each other - you might want to stick around there until the others come back to the tower? You can also use the tower itself to check up on Marluna and Kiiruma and the other groups to make sure they’re not up to anything nefarious, that could be valuable info

What? Why?

I’m saying tutuu (who is going to the Temple of Time) might be this

if we test each other and are still alive i think we just stick together and dont tell anyone else what we do

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Oh ok I thought we needed a Hero of Time to go there, so we would have had to ask

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Fair enough. Leave notes, maybe?

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@tutuu I’m told my wind tunnel won’t be active on D6 if I create it on D4, even if I make it after movement. We can still get to the tower by EoD6, but I’ll only have 1 energy left, meaning I can’t save 3 energy in order to climb the tower the next turn.

You… hold on, let me chart this out.


Day Starting Energy Movement Energy Spent Energy Saved Energy
1 5 2 3 0
2 5 3 0 2
3 7 7 0 0
4 5 0 2 3
5 8 7 0 1
6 6 4 0 2


Day Starting Energy Movement Energy Spent Energy Saved Energy
1 5 2 3 0
2 5 3 0 2
3 7 7 0 0
4 5 0 3 2
5 7 7 0 0
6 5 4 0 1

You can’t climb the tower the next day either, unless I get you that 1 energy. I suppose it could work alright. Or we could just not climb the tower on the next turn.

what if u go to the shrine