Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

*looks at what Hippo wants to do to me*
Yeah. I might surprise myself by getting even worse treatment than I already do.
Like, why bother keeping me alive at this point if all you’re going to do is make me suffer anyway?

would you prefer to die?

I have been saying that, yes. My stress over this game has gone to the point where I am seeing my own flip in my dreams. The sole reason I am not committing suicide (in-game) or voted myself out instead of Bionic is because I don’t want to be labelled as a gamethrower. And I can’t say “I want to sub out” because this game doesn’t even have subs.


I know this may not be a very helpful thing to say but I wouldn’t stress over it too much if you can. I just expended 2 stamina writing a meme note, try find fun whatever your alignment is and remember as long as you play to win and are polite you can’t really fail tbh :slight_smile:


I can’t have fun because I am top suspect. At the very least I should do something productive to disperse some of the doubts, but I can’t even do that because RNG doesn’t let me.

I play to win because I am forced to, and my politeness is chipping away by the day. At least I stay polite at players on a minimum level, but I cannot -as a FM setup designer- not complain about the setup, even if this game isn’t FM.

Turn 1 I got pressured by a vig claim (which turned out to be legit) to do things I don’t want to.

Turn 2 I got suspected for reporting a corpse.

Turn 3 I failed to gain any useful knowledge of the corpse.

Turn 4:

I just C.A.N.N.O.T. get any rest the past few days!
How am I supposed to enjoy this game!?

You could either use your action (I think there’s several decent uses of it RN, don’t want to telegraph though) or try to heal somehow… you can only spend 3 energy, you could try to unique action to get like a 75% chance of heal lol

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Can you vote again? It didn’t register.

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If FOUR energy can heal ONE heart, THREE energy should be able to heal ZERO POINT SEVEN FIVE HEARTS. The woke mob won’t let us do this

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Could also try for long-term healing, “three energy to heal but it takes a long time”. IDK.

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VOTE: no vote

on what tile do i move? sorry im dumb and need hand holding :skull:

Flushed. We’re moving northeast tomorrow, but we don’t have the energy to do that today. We need to save exactly 2 energy for tomorrow, cause it’ll cost 7 to get down

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oh okay so we’re not using that item. thats what i wanted to ask about. or if its risky it might kill me? if its risky please dont use it :skull: alright we’re resting this turn and next moving north east. can use 3 energy today. gotcha

do you think i should do the Thing? if you decide one way or another, can you ping me before EoD and give me a hint as to what you think is optimal to do?

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We 100% kill zone or marluna or both here

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I actively said that bionic was with me and COULD NOT have killed yet they voted him anyway

VOTE: Zone

If the user rolls a 1, they take 2 hearts of damage.

I think you should probably do the Thing, because if we’re headed for the tower, it’s gonna be a while before we have energy to spare, since it’s so expensive to climb the tower anyway. We may as well use it now and burn off the cooldown while we travel.

I haven’t thought about what use of it is optimal, I’ll try to let you know

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good idea. alright, thank you!

We could use the item, but it’s only got a 15/20 chance of actually succeeding (for a stamina cost of 3), and a 1/20 chance of doing 2 hearts of damage, which will kill you.

Alternatively, we can get down manually, which has a stamina cost of 8, but a 100% chance of succeeding and a 0% chance of killing. In practice, it costs me 10 stamina and you 7 stamina.

I feel like I’m being overly risk-averse by choosing to get down manually… even if it fails we can just try again tomorrow… but IDK. My heart doesn’t want to take the risk

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