Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

Okay, so everybody’s locations right now:

  • May: Temple of Time with tutuu
  • tutuu: Temple of Time with May (retrieved item)
  • Hippo: Peak of Mount Hylia
  • Atlas: with Kiiruma next to Mount Hylia
  • Kiiruma: with Atlas next to Mount Hylia
  • Zone: on the tile with Brakuren’s body trying to perform an autopsy
  • @Marluna: Unknown, please tell me
  • @Someone: Unknown, please tell me
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Atlas and Kiiruma might’ve actually teleported up to Mount Hylia? It’s unclear.

When are we actually going to “have enough information” to execute for everybody’s standards?

I think I’m treating this like real life, where any chance of dying is basically infinitely bad. This isn’t real life. Maybe we should just hookshot down and save a day. But… ugh

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knowing my luck im gonna roll a 1 :skull:

(also this gives you an alibi for me being dead if you’re mafia :thinking: )

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Am I being stupid!! Maybe!! But like

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I mean like the thing is that even if the 1/20 means you die and necessitates me die as well due to me being Suspicious, it’s still potentially worth? It’s only 1/20, that’s quite small

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the entire population of the united states of america is less than 1/20 of the entire world population but its no small thing we hear about you guys all the time :weary:

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Sampling bias

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Americans don’t shut up

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wait are you sure it costs 7 to go down? we are moving from 9 to 2. that’s an elevation difference of 7, but 1 more coz u pay for each tile, so 8. unless you’re making a windtunnel northeast?

oh you said it here

sorry im a bit confused, im sure you already explained it. in which direction are you windtunneling? how do we reach the tower if you windtunnel northeast?

wait is this map like a globe? 3d? if you reach one end do you appear on the other side of the map?

Windtunnel goes this way, helps us reach the tower. Well actually it doesn’t really help because it goes away after we move next turn. But still

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oh wait THAT tower???

all this time i’ve been thinking tower = mount hyjal. for some reason. thats why i’ve been so confused. omg lol

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I thought to myself “dumb bitch”, went “well I really cannot say that”, but it is you so I can say that

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okii ty, so after we rest you want me to move on the tile south east of the tower, right? where that arrow ends? (sorry again for asking if its annoying, im just anxious about messing up plans due to miscommunication)

i like that thank you :flushed:

We’ll only be able to move 1 tile northeast (in the direction of the arrow) after we rest, since the place we’re on is so high. It costs 7 energy to get there. After that, we’ll move to the tower itself. The arrow is just the direction of the wind tunnel

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