Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

No town member ever votes bionic after both me vouching and the ability claim

you called kiiruma suspicious earlier, right?

I don’t think we’ll have the chance, I’m using the wind tunnel this turn and we have to spend all our energy next turn to get down from this spot. After that the tunnel is gone. There’s no cooldown but it costs energy to make it so

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yea because I tend to believe bad plays come from mafia

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you’re accusing all three of kii marluna zone of being evil

thats logically impossible

I said at least 1 of 2

its not much of a harm.
tutuu will know anyway

I could see zone being greedy

or vindictive

Nah Zone specifically would absolutely self pres here, he specifically said he didn’t want to get got for gamethrowing again, it’s understandable. He’s still sus as hell but he’s not 100% maf

no good town member

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its such a bad move its insane

I dont say it lightly its objectively a better move to vote yourself then vote bionic especially after all the evidence

One thing i do want to say about zone’s failed effort to investigate brakuren’s body is that it has nothing to do with my special ability so it was a very greedy play

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do you think its a good idea to reveal zone’s ability to us?

I don’t know

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then you should make your best judgement and run with it, i think

abstaining is the same as making the call not to

Do note if you are executed or killed, mafia or whoever killed you (respectfully) will gain your ability

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its why killing somebody is better then executing them