Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

Everyone is claiming to be cleared by proximity
Why is it all bullshit

Brak died n1 so in reality idk id any one rlly is, we were all quite close to each other.

Although i will say that brak didnt make any sense as an n1 kill unless killer had no choice?

i was theorizing that zone messed up trying to revenge kill bionic

So maybe it was somebody who moved with brak

Did bionic kill brakkuren?

…i’m not quite sure how they’d get away

i cant rule out the possibility bionic didn’t tell us they messed up

Nah bionic said the words “i didnt kill brak” tbh

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oh right
someone* would know

I think thats mad they wouldnt claim or hint it and a bit ??? if thats what happened so we shouldnt serioiusly entertain it

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Fuck it i actually think we should just kill N1

Like sorry they are the overwhelmingly obvious person who did it

i wish you had this thought 2 hours ago



've been debating on it but its not something i terribly want to push as a flashwagon.

especially cause i have stuff to do

Btw reminder if i die this turn i havent been killed its cuz i failed my unique action attempt as death is smallish chance

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Should i attempt to investigate brak’s corpse again, or move?