Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

i stabbed kiiruma and he died the second time

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gg i HARD carried

@Atlas ur fucking welcome btw

my back hurts

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…sure, tutuu.


Atlas kills Kiiruma, and you’re set to factional kill May as soon as one of you has a successful kill.


thats why im the GOAT

i killed like 5 people and i made plans for every possible situation like in chess, all while calming down Atlas in wolf chat and reassuring her we are gonna win. another insane performance by me what can i say

I thought Atlas, I hadn’t caught that tutuu was a wolf yet

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So what was your Secret Action, Atlas

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on turn 1 i spent 3 stamina to do the unique action of trying to extract the venom from a snake in the wild. i rolled a 1 and it bit me and i lost 2 hearts and 1 stamina

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I knew Atlas cause town was transparently playing Bad and Atlas was deeply unconcerned through it all. Out of character

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This was also the first Unique Action I rolled for this game.
Extremely funny across the board.



tutuu’s inherent desire to be the first player to die as mafia


I will send spectator chat in the morning; currently playing Ace Attorney and want to have all actions done in this game written up for people’s convenience.

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i didnt know there was so many teleporation abilities

if i was town i would have done nothing but build forts and castles and towers and spikes only to get teleported away and crushed


I probably would’ve rolled on how hard the Deity Mask would pulled someone if you had a fort wall between yourself and the person pulling you.

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May you could’ve flown :frowning:

Your role enables you technically to fly

And mind control people

And nightskip

I’m so disappointed :(

(not genuinely dw you’re awesome)


wait game ended?

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And hippo somehow wasnt mafia?

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