Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

Tutuu I am very much judging you for this statement because my moral philosophy very much disagrees with this. I am not a “win at all costs” person

I don’t think he should be forbidden from sharing his opinion I just think he’s going about it in a way that makes the thread a worse place to be

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If it wasn’t toxic, why did people say the kill was toxic at start of trial?

you lack control over your emotions

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If someone’s toxic im going to say that they are toxic lol


“win at all costs” we were enemies in the game, our objective was to kill each other, we killed you. “toxic” lmao

Enjoy your block

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honestly the fact that once again the entire town team sussed me all game even tho i was practically mech confirmed is really shitty

Im prob never playing here again its insanely anti fun

When you play games with people, you will inevitably encounter people with different philosophies than you! You will inevitably see people who are more interested in winning at all costs, or less interested in winning at all costs, and playing games with them will frequently be frustrating and make you upset. This doesn’t make them immoral or bad people, it’s just a mismatch of expectations.

The way you’re treating Atlas right now is as if she’s done something objectively wrong by taking the game more seriously than you did, when… she didn’t. If somebody who took the game far less seriously than you did were to do something you saw as gamethrowing because “it’s more fun”, you would be frustrated there, too. It doesn’t mean anybody’s done something morally bad. And being hostile toward people for having different expectations is going to make people not want to be around you.


You were ~mech confirmed to not have done that particular kill, you weren’t mech confirmed to be town in general. Your partner could’ve done the kill.

Nobody owes you a townread

No what Atlas did was objectively wrong

Yes but literally everyone else was more likely to have done the kill

Killing someone before they can play the game is toxic

I would blame the host for that being possible over the player tbh


You are like trying to argue that isn’t not toxic if you specifically kill a person as soon as the round starts in Among Us because you don’t want them to play the game

I don’t think I’m going to achieve anything by continuing to engage here but, uh, as a general statement, I wish people would be cautious about how they speak in postgames, especially immediately after a game ends and emotions are high. People who have just lost are going to be more easily upset. Upsetting people is generally unpleasant for both parties and will make others think less of you