Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

  1. that’s not what i actually meant. boo dyslexia defense sorry i keep having to use it. i meant “don’t interpret my actions in the light of this hunch”

  2. the point i’m replying to is about the joycat wagon lol

ohh i see. yeah makes sense

This is NAI btw this is how Leafia attacks me and tries to get me off her as both alignments

It literally isn’t Abi and you know it. You know I’m town. You’re just too stubborn to admit it to yourself. How many times have you been certain I was wolf only for me to flip villager Abi?? Hjow many more times will you have to be wrong asbout my slot for you to finally learn? This is why I wanted so hard for you to be town last game Abi. I thought it could finally be an end to you misreading me every game. What makes it even worse is that you never even apologize for constantly tunneling me.

That was supposed to be a quote from Abi at the beginning. Not sure what happened there.

Abi. It’s neither of those and you know it.

Seriously, you’ve gotten as bad as Marl in reading me Abi.

Leaf town trust

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My leafia vote was shaky at best, and these recent interactions really read pure to me. I’m not sure where I want to be atm, but it’s not leafia


Heading off for supper now too. :sleepingleafeon:












A bit nitpicky of me but the “rn” strikes me as a bit odd, im not sure if i believe that you believed that they would ever not be social here (“rn” inplies they wouldnt necessarily be always social). Granted i saw this is ur first game yet i do find this odd, it could be chalked up to this being ur first game, but it could also be chalked up to u randing mafia in ur first game

Towny post

these are pretty towny
feels very genuine, and the inconsistency at the end would probably make a wolf think twice about posting it, but he posted the first response in the same minute as Rhea, and the others very shortly after


UNVOTE for now.

why would mafia be more likely to think that? it’s not like they have PRs
