Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

Wasn’t he town that game?

Yeah (that wasn’t a read lol, it just reminded me of that game)


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Oh okay.

Anyway, calling it a night now, so good night. :sleepingleafeon:

Extremely townie read list, given I agree with most of it. They share my exact Scums at the time and most of my towns; they didn’t share otter of course. I do have a skill issue on reading the slot, so I’ll give my thoughts later. I do understand the mindset of where exactly you would come to these conclusions.

At the time, a reasonable vote. I was going to say they have wolf equity with top wagon but… that’s me! Anyways, I like the vote at the time. That’s all.

Periods would be helpful. But, ignoring that, there are a few things. First of all, the first sentence I can see coming from a wolf and from a town. It is inherintly wolfy according to a variety of people, but at the same time I can see it coming from a town by the fact that they’re a new player! Also, town do indeed town it up! A weird part about this is saying your reads are all social, but from a new player mindset I guess it can be fine. Joy being the most wolfy so far is kinda a wolfie take from thread consensus for a new player, but yeah. They seem to mostly be following my reads at the time >.< which makes it frustrating but oh well! Given I agree with this, I’ll call it town!

For the record, this is mostly townie. I think the wolfie part here is that they tried to get people to town read them and put attention on ther eslot when it doesn’t contribute to the gamestate. At the very least the slot is kidna nullsih at best, and extremely scummy at worst. This does more sound like a town read.

But you see, you can’t really do that! Because thats not how mafia works! Its so impossible! Anyways, townie!

Please look at my other read list.

Mostly townie slot! I like alot of there content and it feels as though there reads are genuine. The only thing I don’t like is the read on JoyCat, which I can see coming from a wolf trying to conf bias a wolf read when they have no reasoning behind it. Other than that, everything else looks great. Also, POE means process of elimination ^^.


  1. Can you explain your reads in post 404?
  2. Am I cute?
  3. Who’s the cutest?

VOTE: tutuu

My vote goes here. I expected tutuu to be… more solvely… not that they aren’t solving but I expected more

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There are multiple things to disect here. First off, they vote me. It’s as simple as that. Voting me here when I’m top poster is a rather bold move for a scum to do, especailly when they havent backread upon reading thread. The econd part is the latter statement; whjch kind of just comes off as chill? Either way I really like it. Not much thought into it.

Another rather townie post for the. Its town reading a LHF who can get lynched over them in a calm way; overall looks sgood! Ayaya!

I’m going to make a similar statement to the above; this feels townie for them. I’m a slot accusing them, so responding by calling me wolf is reasonable. I can also see how people would come to these reads, as bad as they are.

Once again, similar read to this. Feels really unneeded as wolf; thats the core reason. Itself the reads arent inherintly good ,I am not claiming that. They’re just without worth and unneeded.

In additon to that, they’re focusing heavily on TuTuus slot. While the possibility of this being scummy does exist; I’d argue its more obsessed town.

First off, Kiiruma is lean town. One of the main reasons I remember them as town is due to there low wim; and according to hazard they have higher wim as opposing. Another key reason why this is town is just due to how relaxed it feels. For the most part, they don’t feel like they’re trying to push an Agenda. They feel as though they’re genuinly giving there thoughts. Wolves, contrarily to popular belief like elaborating on reads in my experience to flesh out a potentional pocket.


  1. Can you explain why you havev Joycat and Leafia as town?
  2. Can you elaborate on your read on me?
  3. Can you give thoughts about other high posters in this game aside from me?

Luka just fell out of my town lean to scum lean

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I need to start trying, or else I’m going to die here.

Skill issue

Correct! I’ll have a paragraph later explaining on why exactly I shouldn’t be blamed for me flipping.


I just want to clarify that Rose’s previous social game experience is iirc like among us and town of salem and then watching blood on the clocktower, all games with either mandatory mechanics or like a map that allows you to put together more evidence than “i don’t like how they talk”
a mountainous game is uh. different

I need to reeval my reads in the morning. I’m sort of lost atm

mmmmmmmm I don’t like these posts

For one, PrettyPrincess has a confidence in her reads that doesn’t make sense given how last game went + that it’s D1. This is shown by how they find Rose’s reads to be “extremely townie” (below) because they’re the about the same as hers, which only makes sense if she’s very confident she’s right.

The below honestly seems like a wolf mindset slip.

Now, looking at the post overall. Here’s the conclusions:

This does not make sense as a conclusion from her post. The only read Princess has commented on is Rose’s read on me, which she says she finds wolfy. There aren’t any other reads to find genuine, given the remainder have been elaborated on very little. I get the impression she’s trying to force a TR on Rose here.

That is supported by these:

The first of these is super hedgey and should really be null. And the second just doesn’t actually explain anything about why Rose’s post is towny.


joy is reading better to me. leafia seems pure. Luka is back up to soooort of neutral. I don’t think I have any evidence for my icet sus. i need to do some reading tmrw

Luka’s “I need to put effort into my game or else I’ll die” is not a mindset they had last game as town. So uh. I think that’s where I’m at going to bed.
VOTE: prettyprincess

I am usually in 5+ games at once. I do not care how one game goes.

Ill respond to the rest later.

Initially reading this post I didn’t like these:

Due to the strange confidence they have in their reads here, but I already pointed that out in the previous post, and it’s not as bad here since their read on Kiiruma here isn’t based on the assumption they’re right about their other reads.

Anyway. Reading it again, the read seems to boil down to “W!Kiiruma doesn’t need to do this”, which doesn’t really hold water considering they have 8 posts, so they very much do have to do something.

If this were a spur of the moment post from Pretty, I’d say it’s fine because it’s easy to miss that larger context. But this post is clearly prewritten (it was posted in the same minute as the post on Rose), plus they had to go through Kiiruma’s ISO for this, so I find it artificial.


Which I am. I genuinly dont care about last game. I play in to much games to get demotivated from that.

This read is confusing and makes no sense. I’m going to ignore it.

Because I kinda am. I play based on gut first and explain reads later.

I never said it has to explain why rose’s post is townie. Where are you getting this from?
Also, it’s not hedgy. Me saiyng I dont like this, however this is townie and townie enough to overtake the not liking is not hedgy in the slightest.

Christ okay
So if I play well and try im wolfy
if I dont try and try to have fun im wolfy

last game wasnt d1 when I gto susped, shocker

this is not “strage confidence” its my playstyle. “Thats a bad playstyle!” i genuinly do not care. I should not be trying to get town read as town; that makes me have an ajenda.

Yes. Wolf Kiiruma would try to pocket, control the thread and support there teamate. Every time Kii was like this from what ive seen they were twon.