Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

Oh fun the only person on this list who was on my town core is dead now…we cri

Ice and Rose are my only lock towns

Hey hey hey @IcetFeelsPain @RoseRedWitch wanna hard defend each other till FX?

I can explain why this is a good strategy

… Excuse me? U got reasoning???

Why am I this far down???

Explain then!! lmfao

Woofies are forced to kill into a 3 person masonry that’s hard shielding each other

They have to do it before FX cause if they don’t they lose the game

They hate having their hand forced and sometimes out themselves trying to break it up

Its yummy yummy and we should do it

I mean… Not necessarily against this? But also who’d be the third


I suppose that could work.

Let’s fucking goooooo!!!

I’m boooooooooooooooored

It’s interesting how otter said things and yet seemed to do a 180 on them too, it makes them kind of a weird kill? Why are you using otter’s PoE to formulate your own? It just seems very non-commital, so that even if you’re wrong you can be like “Hey, it’s not my fault yall”

Otter - N1 kill

Princess - executed

Icet(town lean)
Joycat(goon lean)

My current read list BTW for anyone interested.

No they weren’t.

It’s not WIFOM. It’s how much I hate being pushed as a wolf.

How many times are you going to have to misread me until you learn? You should listen to your own advice you gave last game about me. If I was a wolf, I would’ve killed you. Never Otter. You know that to be true. It’s getting to be legitimitely frustrating at this point. Please learn to read me or start sheeping someone who does on me.

Not sure I believe this. Are you even capable of reading me correctly at this point?

Why do I have a feeling one of them is a wolf? Not saying they can’t both be town though.

It isn’t.

This is only true if all three are actually town

Let me get this straight. You’re scumreading the flipped villager?

Yeah, pretty sure a wolf wouldn’t make a mistake like this. Rose probably town. Not so sure about Ice yet though.

There’s no way you actually believe this

But they were town though?


We’ve masoned as town before

Your wrong but that’s okay