Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

but fair point, I should probably look at everyone’s interactions with them


i was not comfy either i was having a whole hotflash truing to fall back asleep but

i hope this has changed


i guess i makes sense especially considering its still better than mindlessly sheeping

VOTE: tutuu

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Looking at Kii, though they didn’t post much, many of their posts are about them, and they gave reads on all 3.


I’m kinda divided on tutuu

I thought 615 and 616 were genuine but looking at the larger context, she was looking at otter’s posts to see their reads and why they were nked (see 619 and 621)
so it would be really really bizarre for anyone to genuinely forget that


do u think icet is a wolf

after going through everyone else’s ISO, everyone voiced reads on all main wagons yesterday, other than leafia who did not read me (which, given their inactivity + having to defend themselves, is not that bad)
that being said the actual reads themselves, as well as the depth of those reads, varied a lot so i’ll have to look more


i’m ~null on them
I still think their focus on Tutuu yesterday was bad, but the way they responded to my push like they didn’t understand the problem was towny


Just checking what you mean by this. Are you saying “Many of Kii’s posts are about Kii”? Because if so then that’s interesting when I usually include reads within my posts.

This post.

That’s not how it sounded to me. No, it isn’t clear in the slightest.

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Apologies for my absence yesterday. I was very busy. I still don’t have time to be as thorough as I would like to, but I can at least get some work in.

I do not think my PoE yesterday was entirely correct, as I am finding myself to be distinctly alive at the moment, and so I would like to do a bit of a mental reset to avoid confirmation-biasing myself into a corner. I will work on that now.

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First of all, I will get it out of the way that I strongly dislike that PrincessAbigail hammered yesterday. Randomly hammering is anti-town, regardless of whether it’s done universally (in fact, it’s worse when it’s done universally). It reduces discussion time and it doesn’t speed up the game, it just makes us have to wait in silence in the night phase for longer. I understand that this has already been talked through, though, so I won’t dwell on it too long.


The way tutuu came in and immediately attempted to suspect me for not being nightkilled, but simultaneously pass it off as being non-serious, is wolfy. I have plenty of experience being suspected for not being killed on my home site, that is normal, and I have my own suspicions about why otterpopd was killed that I will get into with time, but specifically the way they expressed these thoughts is very awkward.

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First of all, tutuu first tries to bring this thought up at the end of a readlist expressing several other opinions, which doesn’t strike me as a natural time to have it. You think “why wasn’t the nightkill this player”… when you see the nightkill, not after thinking about everybody else in the game. It’s like tutuu is trying to ease in on a read that they know will be controversial.

And here is that controversy. I’ll note that I think jail questioning the wolfread on me in this way is odd and catches my eye, but I would like to focus on one topic at a time.

These posts are simultaneously joke-y and serious in a way that is uncomfortable.

And so are these. If tutuu were really not scared of me, they wouldn’t make exaggerated cases and then claim they were just goofing around. Commit one way or another: do you want me dead or not? These posts keep the suspicion of me solidly in an ambiguous place where it can be written off as a joke if it goes poorly.

This half-joking attitude comes up a lot throughout this entire day, too, the case on me is just what naturally caught my eye. Take this post, for example:

A consistent habit of wolves, I find, is taking posts more seriously than they were meant to be. Joking about a wolf being outed scares them, and they will move to casually deflect from it in a way that villagers won’t. Claiming that Icet’s post was an “aha gotcha” moment just strikes me as odd, and townreading him for it feels like a deflection in that way.

The thoughts that stand out to me on other players at the moment:

Icet is significantly more towny now than he was yesterday, and he was already trending upward by the end of things there. I like the consistent pressure and questions from him, and it stands in stark contrast to his early awkwardness.

Leafia is a slot I have trouble reading. It feels like the majority of the pressure on her from yesterday has vanished out of thin air, as attention has been elsewhere. However:

I find this post villagery from her because it… how do I explain this… it builds out a mental world that Leafia lives in that makes her actions track more to me. In isolation, I find her attitude toward Abigail, claiming Abigail to be “bad at reading her” but not even considering a world where Abigail is a wolf, odd. That is a way wolves treat villagers to try to get them to move away. But here, she tries to read Kiiruma from a similar perspective, instead coming to the opposite conclusion. It makes me believe more that Leafia actually thinks this way.

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I’m being called away now, so I’ll have to pause my reading there. As a note for myself when I come back, I’d like to look more into jail and Kiiruma, as I feel they are my biggest blind spots as of right now. Apologies again for my absence, and I should be less busy in a few days.

Rhea = evil

Why? You said the entire thing was a reaction test?