Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

Jail, Kiiruma never kills me last night. That and the fact that Joycat was obviously stalling for time when their time to vote came should’ve made it clear that Kiiruma was never a wolf here. That being said, you did play good for the most part. You just left your brain at home on that last day. It happens to the best of us really and sorry if I sounded a bit harsh.

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At least I can feel proud that I was the GOAT the last day of my life.

@PrincessAbigail Still think I’m a wolf?

I’m also overjoyed that Kiiruma correctly townread me as a villager for once. Anyway, good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

Didn’t think you were a wolf for a while i have receipts in my role pm

I had the game solved would have snap voted right back to back

Probably would have faked the wolf read on you in FX to keep you and me alive tbh

You do not SR Kiiruma after this lol
joycat was full of agenda and after Kiiruma from the start
But they played so well (so it didn’t matter)
Everyone did


this f3 wasn’t as obvious as u guys are making it to be imo

joycat voted rhea in f5, before kiiruma placed a vote. joycat also voted first in the f3. think as u want about social reads, but “mechanically” / votewise those are towny elements that joycat did

i think that the only thing that was arguably questionable was roseredwitch getting chopped over rhea on day 3

other than that i think stuff weren’t that obvious

i thought its rhea + jail after i died


I didn’t think it was obvious at all
Tbh my comments were more of an “in hindsight”
To me, Kiiruma town told in that one quoted block
But that’s more of a vibes thing coming from me + I wasn’t under the pressure of actually being in the game

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I’m glad people think I was relatively obv-towning

This I believe since I figured my snapvote would lock me in as town in your eyes.

It was and while Joycat did so, no villager would ever take as long to do so as Joycat did and I wanted Kiiruma to vote last. That’s the only reason he didn’t vote earlier. Joycat was obviously hoping that Kiiruma would get tired of waiting and vote for me. It’s literally the oldest wolf the book.


oh okay, i missed that


Ah okay.

I mean like Joys F5 was atrocious

I thought it was Joy and Rhea entering F5 but F5 sealed it

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fwiw we weren’t actually hoping for that
we wanted to express a wolfread on kii and ask him a question, which meant we had to wait for his response

that being said, we were indeed delaying our vote at first because we hoped jail / kii would misvote.
since we didn’t want to vote rhea, but if we voted you and rhea died anyway, the wolf would mechanically be between us, and obviously we’d lose the resulting F3
plus if we voted you in F5 you’d look at partnerships and see that yeah we’re a viable team


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If you voted Leafia then you’d eliminate the possibility of me being a wolf. As I’d have a free win

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i mean like
voting leafia before jail voted



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gg i was eztak