Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

Oh, come on, don’t act like this. Getting upset at a townie for misvoting makes that townie feel worse, and it’s rude to the wolf in the scenario for acting like their win was undeserved. It just makes everybody more upset.

There’s no point in acting like the game was obvious or like you all would have won it. That’s the point. Final-three scenarios self-select for the villagers who happened to have the worst luck on their reads. If a bunch of dead villagers know who the wolves are, but the players in the game don’t, that just means wolves picked good kills.

Jail happened to have an off game. It happens to everyone, there will always be unlucky villagers who happen to townread both wolves, and that’s why he was here. If he got luckier, he would have died at night, or we would have pushed over his misexecution.

If you want to win a game when it’s execute-or-lose, it’s not enough to only be correct, that just means you’ll die. You need to convince everybody else before you go out, and you need to shield the players you think are town, and especially correct town, from executions in the preceding days.

The game didn’t suddenly go from a town win to a town loss when jail selected his vote. By the time it happened, there had already been massive amounts of setup from the wolfteam to ensure the highest probability of a misvote. joycat went through every single possible final 3 to try to find the best one for us, and they succeeded.

The winning factor here was that we were allowed, by everyone, to get three consecutive misexecutions on players with good reads and kill the rest at night. No villager is ever singlehandedly to blame for a loss, and to imply so is both cruel and unproductive. It’s an issue of the collective.


i was rooting for a leafia carry


So true. Truer words have never been said. Sorry Jail. This loss was a team effort.

At least I stopped them from winning without losing a wolf.

Were you expecting my snapvote Rhea? Did it factor into why it took you so long to talk like I thought it did?

That’s not to say the collective played poorly here. Everybody played well. It was a good and competitive game and a very close loss for town. Just that the outcome wasn’t solely jail’s fault at all.

I’d like to specifically shout out @tutuu, who nearly singlehandedly flipped the outcome of this game despite being executed on D2. They are an excellent example of a player who successfully convinced the collective of their reads, and therefore were able to change the game’s outcome from beyond the grave. They were my bane this game and it was massive for town. You can kill wolves while dead. If a town player had gone out shouting passionately that joycat was a wolf as tutuu had me, we would have lost this game.


I wasn’t expecting you to snap-vote, no. It didn’t influence me taking so long to talk, though. If anything, it made it easier, because I had an easy opener in reacting to the vote. I genuinely was just traveling and hadn’t had time to play mafia until I entered thread.

I said this in wolf chat, but I don’t like putting half-effort into anything. As town or wolf, I want to be able to put my full attention and energy toward a game while I’m playing it, and so I don’t tend to post in thread until I’m fully caught up, not busy, and have spent some time thinking about what I want to say.

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Fair enough.

Honestly, the snap-vote was what gave me hope that I could survive that day. I fare as wolf in one-on-one arguments where I don’t have to worry about having an unusual pattern of focus or looking like I’m too confidently pushing agenda.

During the night phase, joycat and I had been taking the fact that I would be executed as a given. Things got a little bit messy because I did end up seeing an opportunity to win in final 5 there, so I wasn’t fully distancing from joycat as I had planned.

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i mean

i didnt leave my brain at home

i just overthought it again and somehow looped back into it not being joycat

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and like

clearly i was brought into f3 with the knowledge im not the smartest mafia player

so thats goated lol

rhea more like dead


It’s not about being smart or not being smart. It’s about the luck with the reads you happened to have. My wolf playstyle reads very well to some players and very poorly to others, and whether people fall for it is generally perpendicular to how smart they are otherwise. You happen to be a player who likes to see the kind of thought processes I’m specialized at faking. The same goes for joycat’s playstyle. That’s not an indicator of general skill, just compatibility between different players.

You clearly were smart this game: you were able to find me as a wolf and Leafia as town and change your mind on the reads you had. What initial reads players start off with is a mostly a matter of the dice: who the specific wolves are and what experience you have with them, what pre-set indicators each person tends to look in for wolfy behavior, and what pre-set things people are good at faking.

It’s whether and how someone changes their reads that shows skill and intelligence, and you had both here. You killed me in F5 despite previously townreading me! And the fact that you even were torn in F3, where we took one of your top townreads and put them against one of your top wolfreads, makes it very clear you know what you’re doing. Final 3s are 90% setup and 10% execution once you’re there. You were a victim of setup. That’s all there was to it.


ggs I was zone


In short, it wasn’t jail’s fault that town lost. If you all wanted to win, you shouldn’t have let me push three consecutive misexecutions on villagers with correct reads. At least force me to kill the ones who are wrong.


Yeah that caught me off guard.

I was between you or Kiiruma but that kill threw me off.
I’ll admit this game I was bested.

mafia spec chat

The only thing that made me hesitant was their couple posts after the Jail Vote.
But on further re-read I just didn’t see it.

It’s good to know I still have work to do on my accuracy.



Mpds help the person I invited to the site was N1ed before I’ve been nightkilled at all once (by wolf at least) (since my first 2 games)


it’s okay may you’ll get n1ed eventually

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