Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

that, too, would be nice.

VOTE: sleep

eventually I’ll give it a wide enough capability where it can take on special games as well

Is this a valid vote


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i’m unsure this could be a good idea, given it would… rule out certain things being present if it went unused

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sleep (1): L.una

Not Voting (6): Zugzwang, ElizaThePsycho, May, Ash, Atlas, Bionic

“no-exe”, “noelim”, “noexe”, “sleep”

these are the current no exe aliases (also spaces are cleaned before the vote is looked at so “no elim” works too)

I mean
I guess it could be
but as long as a decent number of things are possible it’s ~fine
plus if I really wanted a strange action to work, I could modify the action main section of the code to accommodate it

sleep (1): L.una

Not Voting (6): Zugzwang, ElizaThePsycho, May, Ash, Atlas, Bionic

i have issue believing that it’s entirely possible for you to cover everything a person could design
but if its simply put into play regardlesd of its usefulness i suppose it’d work

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No one was eliminated.

Night 1 begins now.



it’s definitely not possible to cover everything (unless there are significant reworks to accomodate one specific setup. which is generally impractical to do)

also I just realized what you actually meant by this post oops

as much of a band-aid as that is

I read it as “using the bot” → “you can only have bot-compatible actions”

except you meant “not using the bot” → “there are non-bot-compatible actions” which is probably more problematic

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which further leads to the problem of if the mafia tries to mask one thing as another, such as a modpost as an innocent child annoucement

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yeah I guess that’s true

(though in this case, innocent child announcements are probably very easy to write)

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