Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

Not Voting (6): Atlas, Ash, L.una, ElizaThePsycho, May, tutuu

/modkill Ash @zugbot

Are you sure you want to modkill Ash? Run the command again to confirm.

/modkill Ash @Zugbot

@Ash has been modkilled. Compensation may be given.

Do not discuss modkills.

Not Voting (5): Atlas, L.una, ElizaThePsycho, May, tutuu

/modkill tutuu @Zugbot

Are you sure you want to modkill tutuu? Run the command again to confirm.

/modkill tutuu @zugbot

@tutuu has been modkilled. Compensation may be given.

Do not discuss modkills.

Not Voting (4): May, Atlas, ElizaThePsycho, L.una

tutuu confirmed mafia…

/modkill L.una @zugbot

Are you sure you want to modkill L.una? Run the command again to confirm.

/modkill L.una @zugbot

@L.una has been modkilled. Compensation may be given.

Do not discuss modkills.

Not Voting (3): ElizaThePsycho, Atlas, May

Congratulations to the Town for winning!

The Mafia:

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/modkill the @zugbot

50% right!! ok time to restart