Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

About Zugbot

Zugbot is a bot made to host mafia games on FoL. It is currently experimental; if there are any bugs, report them to @Zugzwang and the game hosts.


Votes are placed with the same syntax that is usually used by the VC plugin on FoL. However, ambiguous votes are resolved differently.

If your vote is an not an exact match* for any playernames, and is not a substring of exactly one playername, it will be resolved to Not Voting.


  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, wrongboy, joycat}. You vote for “Zug”. This vote is resolved to Zugzwang.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, Zugbot, joycat}. You vote for “Zug”. This vote is resolved to Not Voting.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, wrongboy, joycat}. You vote for “g”. This vote is resolved to Not Voting.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, cat, joycat}. You vote for “Cat”. This vote is resolved to cat.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, wrongboy, joycat}. You vote for “May”. This vote is resolved to Not Voting.

*Capitalization, spaces, and other characters that cannot be present in Discourse usernames are ignored.

Voting is plurality only.

Action Submission & The Factional
  • Actions are submitted on the forum, with the exception of the mafia factional kill.
  • All publicly submitted actions need a ping to Zugbot.
  • Privately submitted actions do not need a ping to Zugbot.
  • If multiple actions are submitted in the same post, they will all be processed, but may end up out of order.
    • This is an issue only if multiple of those actions have instant effects.
  • If you have an action, the syntax needed to use it is explained in your rolecard.
  • Instant actions should be processed in under a minute (likely within 10 seconds). Even if an action is not instant, it will provide immediate acknowledgement, to show it has been seen.
    • This applies even if the action has been roleblocked.
    • If an action does not do this:
      • You may have mistyped the syntax or mispelled a username
      • There may be a bug in the bot (during testing, this is the most likely outcome)
      • Zugbot may have went offline
  • The mafia factional kill is submitted in wolfchat on Discord, through the Discord bot there.
    • The command to submit the nightkill is “$nightkill [player]”.
  • The factional is mandatory and not assigned.
Health and Protection
  • All players have a health value, which is initially set to 1.
  • When a player’s health goes to 0 or below, they die.
  • All kills, unless otherwise specified, deal 1 damage.
  • All protections, unless otherwise specified, protect from 1 damage.
  • Protection acts like a shield that is depleted before health is damaged.
  • Unless roles change this, everyone’s protection is reset to 0 at day start.
Willpower and Roleblocking
  • All players have a willpower value, which is by default set to 0 (and can be negative).
  • Some actions have a minimum required willpower to use - if your willpower is below the required amount, your action will fail.
    • Some actions do not have a minimum, and will work regardless of willpower.
  • Unless otherwise specified, you the minimum willpower to use an action is 0.
  • Roleblocks subtract an amount of willpower - if not specified, they subtract 1.
  • Unless roles change this, everyone’s willpower is reset to 0 at day start.
Focus and Redirection
  • Every ability (not player!) has a focus value.
  • Every instance of redirection from one player to another has:
    • the player who’s being redirected to
    • a redirection strength
    • a value to increase the focus by, if the action is redirected (will be greater than 0)
  • A target is repeatedly changed by redirections until there are no more redirects, or the focus exceeds or equals the redirection strength. In more detail: For each target of an action,
    • If the target has no redirection effects on them, stop. The target is not changed.
    • If the ability’s focus is greater than or equal to the redirection strength, stop. The target is not changed.
    • If the target has a redirection and the ability’s focus is less than the redirection strength, increase* the focus by the specified value, and change the target. Now, repeat the process with the new target.

*The focus is increased only for the purposes of this target’s resolution. The focus will not have increased for the resolution of other targets, nor will it have permanently increased.

Further Details

If an action has both an instant part, and a phase-end part, redirections are processed independently both times*, and each part has a seperate focus value.

*This means, if I target Zugbot, and:

  • During the day, there’s a redirection from Zugbot to Maybot, which is stronger than my instant focus value
  • At day end, there’s a redirection from Zugbot to Wrongboy, which is stronger than my phase-end focus value
  • There are no redirection effects of sufficient strength on Maybot or Wrongboy, at the relevant times

Then, my instant action targets Maybot, and my phase-end action targets Wrongboy.

Bot Commands
  • All players have access to “/votecount”. This can be submitted in your PM to request a votecount, which is posted in the main thread.
    • The player who requested the votecount is not stated.
    • Of course, do not spam this.
  • The host has access to:
    • /modkill [player] - This modkills the target player.
    • /sub [current_player] [player_to_be_added] - This replaces current_player with player_to_be_added.
      • Currently, this command causes some bugs

Parameters for this game

Day length: 1 hours, 0 minutes
Night length: 1 hours, 0 minutes
Action Deadline: 2 minutes before phase change
Multivoting allowed: True
No-Exe allowed: False
Minimum Delay Between Votecounts: 20 minutes
Minimum Postcount Between Votecounts: 10 posts

Day 1 has begun.


I removed you from the playerlist because you were hosting (an account can only do one or the other (things break otherwise))
then I removed hosts from that game and forgot to add you back

but anyway nya

1 Like

VOTE: zug

Not Voting (11): Zugzwang, wrongboy, Atlas, ElizaThePsycho, May, Zwischenzug, L.una, Eddie, Maybot, Ash, Bionic

zug is no longer a valid vote (zwischenzug shares the substring)

VOTE: may
VOTE: Zwisch

May (1): Zugzwang
Zwischenzug (1): Zugzwang

Not Voting (10): wrongboy, Atlas, ElizaThePsycho, May, Zwischenzug, L.una, Eddie, Maybot, Ash, Bionic

VOTE: zug

Not Voting (11): Zugzwang, wrongboy, ElizaThePsycho, May, Zwischenzug, L.una, Eddie, Maybot, Ash, Bionic, Atlas

…what happened


ok so the not-posting-eod was caused by a crash
IDK what made the VC drop the votes though

I don’t have the terminal output because it’s scrolled too far, but it looks like you didn’t ask for that votecount, which probably has something to do with it

this one fixed

ok this is also fixed now
very dumb bug tbhtbhtbhtbhtbh

this one was caused by the filler ability (which is there to guarantee the exe gets processed) not getting skipped properly

this one was that the post_votecount() in the auto-poster didn’t supply the parameters for whether to allow multivoting, so it assumed by default that it shouldn’t allow it

really though it should never have taken parameters, and always just read them directly from the config file (or the modbot file, before the config file existed)