Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

A shot rings out, but bounces back! @Chomps now has the gun.

@Zugzwang has died!

They were...

Not Voting (6): ElizaThePsycho, May, Ash, Atlas, L.una, Chomps

/shoot @Chomps @Zugbot

/shoot Ash @Zugbot

A shot rings out, but bounces back! @Ash now has the gun.

@Chomps has died!

They were...

Not Voting (5): ElizaThePsycho, May, Ash, Atlas, L.una

Try shooting wolf next time silly

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Not Voting (5): ElizaThePsycho, May, Ash, Atlas, L.una

lylo :flushed:

gl Ash

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(doesnā€™t do anything)

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if deadline were to run out as the votecount as it is now, assumedly the code would kill may?

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you said earlier that theres no disabling the votecounts

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currently there isnā€™t
I could probably disable them without much trouble (havenā€™t yet because I need to make sure Iā€™m not breaking anything in the process)

Disabling the day-end elimination would be awkward though, since Iā€™m trying to support setups with no popcorn-specific changes in anything but the roles and config (making specific toggles for each setup would quickly turn Zugbot into spaghetti)

Most likely, Iā€™ll add the ability to change the wincon functions, and then put ā€œit is night 1ā€ as an alternate wincon for mafia, then figure out how to get it to always post a no-exe at EOD1

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for now its probably fine because host overrulling

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yeah I think itā€™s ~decent as is because itā€™s still way faster & more convenient than manual popcorn hosting

also there arenā€™t built-in time limits to how long one person can have the gun RN, and also no time limits for mafia choosing the gunholder, but both of those can be overruled

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(ie modkill if they dont do it) (if the gunbearer is modkilled the mafia get the ability to choose a new gunbearer)