This is a team game. If we get fewer tries to kill the Demon because I died, then your chances of winning decrease. Your goal here isn’t supposed to be to look good and feed your ego, it’s to win the damn game.


Tunnel vision me to death and rub it in how much of a genius you are that you think I’m evil this is starting to grate on my nerves and clearly you think you are so correct you can never be wrong

I don’t care how correct you think you are when you see the grim do NOT whine to me that I didn’t make this exceptionally clear to you. In fact don’t bring this day up to me at all because after today I won’t be achnowledging it happened

You’re not treating this like a team game if you’re Good. Your mindset is fundamentally broken if you’re Good.


This is not a productive conversation and I will no longer be having it

I told you my role and told you why killing me would be a bad idea, you’ve continued to double down that you think I’m evil and aren’t listening to me, continuing to follow this discussion isn’t finding the demon.

Jarek rn seems very similar to how he was on fam4 beginning where he was town anyways ill be sleeping now cyall

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Just respect this part of my wish and I think we can be all good after a little calm down session

Outsider CCs are a terrible idea to do in public, not in the least because it could easily just be a -1 Godfather game. I would like to have a conversation with literally anybody in private, so if people want to whisper I’m happy to do so


It’s BOTF anyway I highly doubt anyone told me the truth and by D4 there’ll be a 5-man whisper chat with the “good team solvers” in it and everyone else will be left to twiddle their thumbs and wait to see what happens

Do you rlly wanna talk to me though :pleading_face:

I don’t want to talk to you, no

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Let me correct my wording: literally anybody else

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Is this going to be a consistent thing

/whisper @may

For the rest of this game? In all likelihood, yes, because you made a Damsel guess

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I’ll make

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I really really really hope there’s no beef between us now because that would really suck.

I’m no good at dealing with that kind of thing I prefer getting along with everyone