at least for me, there’s not

If you’re town, you made a bad play (which you did believe was not throwing), and if you’re wolf, you made a reasonable play. Regardless, neither of these make me think less of you as a person, or create a grudge, or anything like that.


I’m a fucking idiot because I didn’t realise there was a cannibal this would have been completely fine with me if there wasn’t one

People are going to crucify me for this if the worst possible outcome happens and I really don’t want to feel responsible for that

@may wanna chat

@Lotte @carbonated.
Are you both still around?


I’ve been waiting for them for a few minutes, I think they had to go.

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That’s all good, we had a similar thing last night where we both fell asleep around the same time.

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/Whisper Magnus

I have something to ask of you myself.


Look, if you want to damsel guess, at least guess the correct damsel.

I claim minion and guess Magnus as the damsel @MotherPoppo

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Joke or not I appreciate that you’re doing this too, because I legitimately do feel like this entire game is going to turn on me and ask me just what the fuck I thought I was doing when they see my role

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Nothing happens.

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May wanna chat

Guys guys the only correct damsel guess is me i already hard claimed damsel

I claim minion and guess @kelsier as the damsel

Not after the Damsel guess no

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Are you being serious

Can cannibal eat pb
