It was hard to make an evil team when all the false info basically destroyed everything

Magnus never gave out your info. They just said it didnt make sense

But Iā€™d expect the damsel to be working towards being dead, personally.

Itā€™s not something I like but itā€™s the meta around that particular role.

alsaahir scarlet woman fang gu is guessing 3 demons and itā€™s not fun at all :moyai:

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mmmmmmmmm @May whatā€™s your read on me and how did it progress over time (if you want to reference posts in the whisper just say the postnum)

doā€¦ you have examples of this

Then you could give the free bluff to the Demon instead, and double claim freely.

Groups where people know eachother but I guess thatā€™s not technically us

In live games people jokingly make damsel guesses all the time. In the like 2 years i have played it in live someone would always make a joke damsel guess if the script has a damsel in it

its the same as claiming goblin. Something you should never do as town. but people still do it

idk I wouldnā€™t make a guess as a role I actually gave a fuck about

but this role is literally who cares simulator

live games are pretty different than longform tho

mmmm i dont think the fact its live or text changes this point. i agree its not a good look. but i wouldnt throw my votes at the wagon over it

Quick someone call me out on my hypocrisy is it do I care about being dead or do I not

I may in the minority but I think encouraging mimiom to waste damsel guesses is good in long form as long form allows damsels to make so many mistakes that itā€™s very dangerous to have a damsel

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do you wanna die and be eaten by the cannibal

Because of the Kazali + Summoner interaction, this script was going to have five evils last rand. The Alsaahir wouldā€™ve died.

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You say this butā€¦

I donā€™t want to die at all, being able to nominate and vote freely is the only reason I like this game as much as I do (as well as the roles, but I obviously donā€™t have one this game)

if Iā€™m just sitting around getting lied to I want to at least be able to play

i was killed as a spy by alaashir in a game where my team was a Vortox/Scarlet woman. Scarlet woman caught the pass and died via alaashir