guessing 3 demons plus the minions is literally impossible level gameplay

For what itā€™s worth jarek I felt bad and told you the truth

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You really didnā€™t have to lying is a part of the game Iā€™m just idk a little frustrated that itā€™s a part of the game for a bit too long

its been done

Iā€™ll have you know I hated my previous role but at least it wasnā€™t this

Itā€™s not especially fun for the Minion team to feel pigeonholed, and the STs can discount it anyway so this only really punishes inexperienced or uninformed players who think itā€™ll be wasted and an adverse punishment to their team.
The Damsel is a deadly threat, but itā€™s a sorta rough way to neutralise it.

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I still think that you dying is indicative of talking to the wrong person

Oh I meant ā€œwasting itā€ as in making them hasty and using it

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Ohh, yeah. Thatā€™s fine.
Exerting a game environment where they canā€™t stall for five days.

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overall Iā€™m a bit conflicted on Jarek

like on the one hand, heā€™s damsel guessed and the way heā€™s arguing is plainly unreasonable

but worrying that people would be mad at him out of game feels genuine and IDK if heā€™s likely to manage faking that, and his arguments seem to be unreasonable in a consistent way

I donā€™t think warning town of the consequences of the outsider role known as cannibal is unreasonable itā€™s just pragmatic

Also hot take fear is a great motivator I donā€™t do anything if thereā€™s nothing for me to do, this right here is how I make myself play the game

I put myself in a bad spot and then I solve the game to get out of it

Itā€™s a new meta totally unfounded

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Zug I canā€™t believe you gave hazard an offspring and then say itā€™s not yours

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In particular, heā€™s acting like itā€™s unreasonable for us to wolfread him, almost:

ā€œIā€™m not mafia. I told you Iā€™m not mafia. It is unreasonable for you to think Iā€™m evil after I damsel guessed.ā€

And this whole argument of assuming the outsiders would claim here assumes that people would put enough trust in him, that they would feel itā€™s worth CCing.

Fwiw, I would never CC outsider here.

Upon writing this, I realize that the expectation of not being wolfread that hard makes this guess feel a lot more likely from w!Jarek who thinks he can get away with it

And also IDK why Jarek is confident thereā€™s no Damsel

On the other hand though:

I can model some of this from a w!Jarek mindset ā€œI have just outed myself and hurt my evil team badlyā€, and itā€™s also possible Jarek is just good at faking this type of stuff, but it still feels kinda convincing


@Kelsier did you lie to me in our whisper D1

Entirely because if there was thereā€™d be more double claims. The damsel doesnā€™t get a bluff and doesnā€™t know any. If they lucked into a role that was bluffable and wasnā€™t being used by any minion already good for them. but the damsel usually doesnā€™t, and the damsel is also usually suicidal.

Thereā€™s no damsel I accept no other truth


You donā€™t need to CC me to not completely bold-faced lie to random people in whispers

If I give a 3f3 I expect your role to be in the 3 because mine will be the entire point of a 3f3 is that your role is one of them

a tinker and a PM arenā€™t roles that end the game if they get found so Iā€™d entirely expect people to be okay with putting them in their 3ā€™s the fact this hasnā€™t happened indicates that either everyone is lying (probably true tbh) or they just donā€™t exist

I donā€™t have the context about that so I wouldnā€™t even know where to start