I’m iso’ing every single one of these one at a time why am I doing that

how does this explain why you think the outsiders would CC

is it that you think outsiders would include their role in a 3f3? possibly. But when half the game is lying, there’s not really a reason to tell the truth to many people, and there’s often some incentive to do otherwise (which IMO is sufficient for both Tinker and Puzzlemaster, especially since Damsel is on-script)

Again nope whats up with my claim why does it seem fake

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What part of my claim is mechanically impossible besides the double claim

I see the issue
I think you should be able to piece it together

I cant so /whisper @zugzwang

whispers are closed

Nvm then

Because lying to everyone isn’t a good idea and sometimes just being honest is better than trying to lie

Take my role this game. I see zero value in hiding that I’m this role I don’t want to meat-shield for other roles because it’s actively detrimental to die in the first place. If I claim to exactly the demon, sucks, I die. It doesn’t matter if I tell a minion what are they going to do, kill me? So I told everyone the truth and I didn’t even bother pretending, because pretending means I have to fake information and double claims and trouble. In shortform I do actually fake-claim a bit more as roles like these but in longform it’s just…not worth the effort of maintaining for 48 hours a day.

If I was something valuable like a fortune teller I’d still give people my role I just wouldn’t outright say it it would always be in a 3f3 - purely because it is important for town roles to know what I am at least partially so when double claims come up I’ve always been claiming my role and it isn’t just some random claim of “oh I’m not the savant I’m actually the fortune teller teehee fooled you”

The point being is that I don’t lie because it does not help the good team for half of them to believe I am the fortune teller and the other half to believe I’m lying out of my ass because I got caught in a double claim. Which they would have believed me had I just given them my role truthfully even if it’s in a 3.

especially with a godfather that loves bluffing outsiders just in general as a role, I’d absolutely expect outsiders to be telling the truth or at least putting their real role in a 3 and not pretending they’re townsfolk and not outsiders

Because if they let the godfather get away with an outsider bluff because of it that’s way worse than the evils knowing you’re the tinker

Evils know I’m the plague doctor they can kill me, it sucks for town if they do because of the minion ability for the ST, but guess what, if they’re killing me they’re not killing info gathering roles like the excorcist or the cannibal

I mean
you lied in your whisper with me lol (unless you were just referring to today)

Overall though it depends how many people you expect to lie, I guess. If you expect everyone to tell the truth unless they really can’t (eg damsel), then doubleclaims become a lot more suspicious, and a lot more worth avoiding, and being able to take people’s claims as honest makes it easier to solve

On the other hand, if you expect a lot of people to lie, then doubleclaims are w/e, and ~no benefit is obtained with regards to solving (this is my experience having played in voice-chat games in BOTCU)

I just checked and I did that’s hilarious

well I tell the truth 90% of the time. the other 10% I decide I’m not trying enough and half-ass a hard claim

I also gave silviu damsel so I guess I’m not hard claiming plague doctor to literally everyone it is harmful

but I have told people I’m that role. I’ve given outsider claims to people like silviu (to indicate I am still claiming the outsider slot)

I did lie to you though. I don’t remember why. pretty based though.

Jarek is a sneakyzard

when you lie (as town) are you typically bored while doing it

I expect the truth. What’s the point of whispering if I go “3f3” and I know I’m being lied to. Why would I ever tell the truth back. How does that get town anywhere?

If you’re the damsel fair enough, if you’re the mutant fair enough, but if you’re the steward and you decide to claim farmer/magician/FT to me and possibly even give out fake FT pings then I just have to ask why? If I’m percieved as evil by the player lying to me that is actually understandable but…well, it’s the first day so how would anyone know that.

Yeah because I have actually 0 interest in maintaining whatever I claimed I was.

I never even made an alsaahir guess :sob:

At this point I do and to be honest it’s really boring. It makes whispers mean nothing to me because I’ll be lied to and then get nothing out of it because it’ll be revealed later on that it was a fake-claim and it won’t be resolved because well it turns out most of the game was fake-claiming so you can’t really kill “most of the game” or suspect “most of the game” for it

I’m starting a revolution to normalize actually claiming your damn role in a 3f3 I’ll take a 4f4 if it makes people actually start telling the truth